I think it would be cool for less urban areas to be included in a future DLC; such as, rural Vermont, or the less populated areas in southern New Hampshire.... maybe another trip down to D.C. basically the potential areas are plentiful.
I think it would be cool for less urban areas to be included in a future DLC; such as, rural Vermont, or the less populated areas in southern New Hampshire.... maybe another trip down to D.C. basically the potential areas are plentiful.
I'm dreaming of course...but a DLC where we could take a trip to the Capital Wasteland and perhaps visit Megaton and complete a few missions in familiar locations would be amazing lol
It would also be cool (in the same respect) to visit New Vegas and perhaps get schematics to build gambling / casino type machines in our F04 settlements!
HEY! A guy can dream lol
In the general same area, Franklin Park Zoo. Should be just East of Jamaica Plain. Have some mutated elephants and such with ghoul zoo keepers trying to keep them in line.
Because I live here, Cape Cod would be cool. It does have a air force base here.
Because people don't complain enough about them using assets from 3/NV...... No thanks. Lots of other places in and out of lore that they could choose.
An interconnected subway stations, so we can travel from one part of Boston to another underground. Maybe even extended underground areas, built by giant ants, survivors, a new underground race, etc.,
Of a super vault created by Vault-tec, that are a vast network of several connected vaults.
Lake Placid. Could have a Fallout Winter Olympics the events being deadly. And hopefully the USA still beet the those commie Ruskies for the gold in hockey in the Fallout universe.
Lake Placid would be awesome.... but kind of redundant with the Far Harbor expansion coming out.
More Vaults would be cool.
We're probably good on settlements.
New locations with new factions.
New locations that shelter ghoul enclaves. Or maybe ghouls who heard about Jason Bright from the Mojave Desert and want to follow.
A gathering of members from whichever faction lost out in the main quest, with a way to integrate them in the new Commonwealth order.
A zoo.
Underwater locations.
An all-synth settlement trying to make it work.
Only if there's a giant crocodile living there.
Oh! More buried stuff in the Glowing Sea.
This is one particular lore friendly location that perplexes me we don't hear more often. I think it'd be a nice DLC location. The boat from PL traveled from up to the Commonwealth down to the Broken Banks so it is very doable