Cool Stuff

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 am

I want to make a cool character, so toss me ideas for races, skills, ect. and then any nifty roleplaying suggestions. I just want ideas, so let em fly.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:02 am

I want to make a cool character, so toss me ideas for races, skills, ect. and then any nifty roleplaying suggestions. I just want ideas, so let em fly.

Acadian's the man to ask for that, but here are some of my ideas.


The Warrior


Strength Endurance

Heavy Armor, Blade, Block, Armorer, Speechcraft, Mercantile, Athletics.

You are a noble Paladin, you travel the lands helping the needy. There are the simple RP ideas like eating three squares a day, sleeping 8 hours every night, changing clothes while in town, sleeping, or swimming. Bathing by heating a small water area with a basic Flare spell, and jumping with out clothes on, then washes your clothes in hot water. Give money to the infirm, such as 20 septims to every beggar. Take care of your horse, stop every few minutes to let him/her rest. set out a basket of apples or carrots when at a stable or just stopping for a rest. Give him/her a name, etc. If you can, use the Battlehorn Castle official plug-in as your dwelling. Those are my RP ideas for that kind of char.


The Thief


Intelligence, Agility

Acrobatics, Alchemy, Marksman, Blade, Illusion, Sneak, Light Armor

One of my favorite chars, you are a Dark Brotherhood Assassin, slaying in the name of Sithis. Use the same basic RP ideas, eating, sleeping, bathing, washing clothes, etc. Travel at night, become a Vampire possibly, never wear your Shrouded Armor in public. Wear a dark robe or dark clothes. Carry one bow, no more than 30 arrows, (of multiple types if you wish), and one dagger. I advise enchanting the bow and dagger, and creating your own, deadly poisons. At 100 Alchemy skill, you can create very deadly concoctions, such as triple damage poisions, such as a fire, shock, and damage health poison. Mixed right, it adds up to 900+ damage over time. One shot to almost anything. Just coat the arrow in the poison, fire the arrow, and use Illusion to turn invisible. If you can, download The Vile Lair, (Deepscorn Hollow) official plug-in. Made for evil characters, especially Vampires.

Have fun! :)

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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:24 am

Read some in game books and see if any character grabs you then go on that base to flesh it out.

Examples of mine a khajiit clan mother type character ( with extra info from the TeS novel ).

An orcish Warlord not a savage berserker style but intelligent and controlling of the battle field.

A Dunmer noble, think old rpg bard a bit of a jack, but with a unique personality.
Trickster in combat weak and exposed early to mid game, but strong with the right equipment.

Those are my three that I have fleshed out with back stories and attitudes.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 pm

One can look here to get the basic idea of what toon to make:

Roleplaying-wise, a decent list right here:
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:16 am

Cool, eh? I can't really help with picking race/sign/class/whatev, but otherwise, I've got some terrible totally awesome ideas.

-Beat a minotaur to death with your bare hands.
-Go to the Jerall Mountains and beat a bear to death with your bare hands. While naked.
-Come to think of it, just do everything in the nvde. OR
-Get into the Dark Brotherhood, because they have cool uniforms.
-Summon creatures in the middle of a city, just because you can. Bring them with you when you go into an inn for a fun drinking buddy.
-Go to Bravil, drink four bottles of skooma, and leap off a roof into the stream below.
-Go into an Oblivion Gate, but don't bother closing it. Declare it your new home.
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:34 am

Roleplay a Bruma guard. Nothing cooler than that. Just bring a fur lined jacket!

One member on this forum roleplays a naked man that hides under a bridge and stabs people who pass by. :laugh:

If you are looking for serious play - Bosmer DB assassin, you can't go wrong.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:37 am

A Nord mage who uses Frost/paralyze spells. Freeze Ray! Coolest character I can come up with :)


Fortify magicka apparel enchantments, trandescent sigil stone-(you know the drill.)

You are an ice mage from Skyrim who has taken a love to climb the peak of the Jerall mountains, off to find your long lost lord and his lady who went off to kill a dreaded snowbeast. You hear of a rumor that they made their way to dive rock, on your journey through the mountains you discover a curious empty tower(this would only work with frostcrag spire). Thats a good starting quest. Then when you find the beast you must bury their remains near their homeland or something.

Or roleplay as the snow prince.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:20 pm


Cool Skills: Illusion, Conjuration, Alteration, Hand to Hand, Block, Acrobatics, Sneak

Race: Khajiit, Argonian...but any race can be cool, even the stodgy imperials. Females can be cool, too, especially bosmer, dunmer and argonians

Birthsign: Lord, Lover, Tower, Steed....Just avoid the popular (aka useful ones) :P

Name: Loki, Coyote ... think of a trickster god persona or maybe Obi Wan Kenobi from the original SW movie if you want more of a good guy. He was as cool as it gets!

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:16 am

As I recall, you are not on PC so I'll assume mods are out. Hmm, since you are fishing for random interesting concepts, a couple come to mind. Let me just throw a few at the wall; never know if one may perhaps stick. :P

1. You tend to favor paladin/knight type characters, so I'm guessing you want something a little different.

2. A character based on the Predator. Orc or Argonian, normally with a low level of chameleon on for that 'see through' look. This character is from a race of space traveling 'big game hunters', and he has landed on Nirn. Probably lives in an Ayleid Ruin and collects skulls. Lots of speed and heavy metal. Uses his body as a ranged weapon. Might develop a kindred with Hircine. In fact, might actually consider questing for the Daedra Lords. One might expect perhaps a mutual interest with the DB - of course, until he slaughters them all to decorate his lair.

3. I caught a couple snips from the movie Avatar last week. Could there be some inspiration there?

4. A 'no touch' pure mage who favors illusion and conjuration. No weapons, no direct damage spells.

5. I enjoy my mystic archer glass cannon of course, but you are well-familiar with that concept. :dance:
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:40 pm

Cool Skills: Illusion, Conjuration, Alteration, Hand to Hand, Block, Sneak, Acrobatics

Cool Races: Going by the above "cool skills" and using racial bonuses the Coolest Race is...Khajiit with a score of 25. Runners up are Bosmer, Breton and Altmer with scores of 20 each.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:04 am

Hmm... As usually I am playing my Imperial do-gooder, something about that just strikes a chord with me, probably because I can make Imperials look like me and I can take them in any direction I want. They just work for me.

Im more getting at cool back stories and cool things to do in game. I want to have a story behind my guy that when someone reads it, they go WOW thats a bad*** character. So Im trying to figure out the components and characteristic that such a character would have. Does that kinda help?
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 pm

be a collecter, grab things that you would probably sell and stash em. doesnt matter what, shiny things, hearts, potions, skooma, i collected bones for a little while. had to stop when the imperial city initiated the law that allows imperial watch to search quarters if your considered suspicious, and trust me, im suspicious.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 am

be a collecter, grab things that you would probably sell and stash em. doesnt matter what, shiny things, hearts, potions, skooma, i collected bones for a little while. had to stop when the imperial city initiated the law that allows imperial watch to search quarters if your considered suspicious, and trust me, im suspicious.

I collect skulls. CAUSE i want your skullz I NEED YOUR SKULLZZ!!!
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:00 am

Ah yes, the commonly seen Imperial do-gooder who runs around Cyrodiil . . . collecting skulls. :blink: :lmao:

*just joshin' ya!* :wavey:
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:25 am

If you're basically stuck in the rut of being "you" try translating your own story into fantasy terms. What drives you? What makes you tick? Now supersize it and put it in Oblvion's setting. Who knows? Maybe you'll come up with something cool.

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