I want to make a cool character, so toss me ideas for races, skills, ect. and then any nifty roleplaying suggestions. I just want ideas, so let em fly.
Acadian's the man to ask for that, but here are some of my ideas.
The Warrior
Strength Endurance
Heavy Armor, Blade, Block, Armorer, Speechcraft, Mercantile, Athletics.
You are a noble Paladin, you travel the lands helping the needy. There are the simple RP ideas like eating three squares a day, sleeping 8 hours every night, changing clothes while in town, sleeping, or swimming. Bathing by heating a small water area with a basic Flare spell, and jumping with out clothes on, then washes your clothes in hot water. Give money to the infirm, such as 20 septims to every beggar. Take care of your horse, stop every few minutes to let him/her rest. set out a basket of apples or carrots when at a stable or just stopping for a rest. Give him/her a name, etc. If you can, use the Battlehorn Castle official plug-in as your dwelling. Those are my RP ideas for that kind of char.
The Thief
Intelligence, Agility
Acrobatics, Alchemy, Marksman, Blade, Illusion, Sneak, Light Armor
One of my favorite chars, you are a Dark Brotherhood Assassin, slaying in the name of Sithis. Use the same basic RP ideas, eating, sleeping, bathing, washing clothes, etc. Travel at night, become a Vampire possibly, never wear your Shrouded Armor in public. Wear a dark robe or dark clothes. Carry one bow, no more than 30 arrows, (of multiple types if you wish), and one dagger. I advise enchanting the bow and dagger, and creating your own, deadly poisons. At 100 Alchemy skill, you can create very deadly concoctions, such as triple damage poisions, such as a fire, shock, and damage health poison. Mixed right, it adds up to 900+ damage over time. One shot to almost anything. Just coat the arrow in the poison, fire the arrow, and use Illusion to turn invisible. If you can, download The Vile Lair, (Deepscorn Hollow) official plug-in. Made for evil characters, especially Vampires.
Have fun!
