Hey i was just wondering what you guys think is the best looking outfit in fallout new vegas. What different items go together to make an awesome outfit. my favorite so far is desert ranger armor from honest hearts, boomer rebreather and combat helmet. Also ive just started an energy weapon character any tips on cool glowy futuristic outfits are most welcome
Authority Glasses, Pre-war hat, prewar Business wear, or dapper/suave gambler suite for a night on the town. (or as a hitman)
For Waste Wandering, Reinforced Leather armor w/ Authority Glasses (I am almost allways wearing Authority Glasses no matter where I am, or what character Im playing..lol)
I have to agree that 1st Recon Beret and Joshua Graham's Armor are best looking and give great stats as well but I like a few other looks for role playing.
Rubble Rat 1 Rattan Cowboy Hat Wasteland Wanderer Outfit Modded Varmint Rifle / Lead Pipe
Rubble Rat 2 Pre War Baseball Cap Raider Badlands Armor Sawed Off Shotgun / Spiked Knuckles
Medic Roving Trader Hat Wasteland Doctor Fatiques Modded Varmint Rifle / Combat Knife
Fixer (an old drinking buddy of President Hamilton come to sort out the Mojave) Desperado Cowboy Hat Eyeglasses Grey hair and Cavalry moustache. Dirty Pre-War Businesswear .357 Magnum Revolver / Lucky