Fortify Blade 73 pts for 5 secs on self
Fortify Strength 48 pts for 5 sec on self
Fortify Magicka 100 pts for 5 secs on self
Absorb Willpower 100 pts for 5 secs on touch
Absorb Health 15 pts for 5 secs on touch
Bound Sword 5 secs on self
Soultrap 5 secs on touch
Shield 60 pts for 5 secs on self
Paralyze 3 secs on touch
school: Restoration, master level
cost: 190 magicka I think
This turns my wimp Acolyte into a superhuman warrior!
While the victim is down by paralyzation, my blade and strength is fortified to 100, then I hack away with my bound claymore.
The soultrap is for recharging my Mage's staff and Sanguine Rose
The shield 60 is for stuff immune to paralysis, so I don't die. Combined with absorb health to keep my healthy.
Absorb Willpower and Fortify magicka so I regenerate magicka fast enough to recast it after it wears out.
This spell can take down a Skeleton Champion, which has 370 HP (I think), if it's stupid enough not to block.
So... what's your coolest/best spell?