Hey guys, I'm trying to generate a copy of a levelled actor via script. The object in-game is a LvlHunter. This Levelled Actor is based off of LCharHunter. LCharHunter is made up of all the different hunters, i.e. EncHunterImperialM, EncHunterRedguardM. Those NPCs have an actorbase EncHunter00Template.... this is where my problem lies I think.
The game generates a random actor from the placed Levelled Actor. I need to make an exact copy of that actor. Using GetLevelledActorBase() seems to return the template actor, because if the game makes a Nord Female hunter, the copied actor could be a Redguard female.
Has anyone been successful in achieving this? This is my little test script:
Event OnActivate(Objectreference akActionRef) ObjectReference kActorOb = Self Actor kActor = kActorOb as Actor Actorbase kLBase = kActor.GetLeveledActorBase() as Actorbase Debug.Messagebox("Levelled base = " + kLBase) Actor newActor = Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(kLBase) as ActorEndEvent