The FONV geck doesn't work too well for me. I created some races in FO3 and I would like to have the same in FONV. But the GECK Crashes each time I try to access the advanced face data, including the race menu. So the races are very nice in FO3 and ugly in FONV because I can't change them without a CTD. Note that the FO3Geck doesn't crash at all, only NV geck and only during the modification of the facedata. Weird.
So, is it possible to tranfer the facegendata of a race created in FO3 to FONV without recreating it from scratch and without going through all the crashing geck process ?
Or even, in any version of the GECK (FO3 or NV) to copy the data from a race to another ( eg clone the facegendata from Caucasianraider to caucasianold) ?
I tried with FO3edit but I get errors and can't figure how to use it for that purpose.