I've been copy and pasting nifs for a few days now, managing to create some fun new weapons and armor (howsabout a steampunk Dwemer/Elven cutlass covered with gears... that's ON FIRE?) but I have no idea how to take a non-apparel mesh (like, say, the eye from Sheogorath's staff or a Scalon fin) and paste it onto an item of appareal (like, say, the Daedric bracers) and have it show.
Is there any way to do this in Nifskope?
PLEASE NOTE: If you'd like to help, please don't waste your time if you can't explain it in plain English. If you're planning a reply that consists of pure technical jargon interspersed with occasional algebraic formulae... just leave it, please; don't waste your time. No offense, but help I can't understand is just a waste of your time.