Until yesterday I had hardly a single concern with what I've seen from Skyrim, But while playing Oblivion I realized something.
In Oblivion you could wield a sword, a shield, AND a magic spell. In Skyrim you will have to chose between keeping your shield or your sword if you want to use magic in combat.
I'm not necessarily complaining. But I do think this could either make the game more fun, or less fun.
While at first glance it seemed to provide much more fun, what it really resulted in Oblivion is the devs
expecting you to do that triple combination no matter what. Hence playing anything other than a shield-wielding Spellsword was punished severely by the level-scaling arms race. With that one-size-fits-all loadout now out the window, there is finally room to rebalance the different playstyles so that they are all viable.