I came back to the story after a long vacation and found quite a few things I didn't like. I corrected them, rewrote certain paragraphs, changed some descriptions etc. The amended chapters can all be found on my blog (http://corvidiaspride.blogspot.com) as I won't bother to repost them all in this thread. If you read up to Chapter VI before September, I would strongly encourage reading Chapter VI again because I believe that's where the most significant changes have been made.
This is another, more recent Fan Fiction that I found inspiration to write. It's still quite new so any constructive criticism is welcome.
This story is based on the Oblivion game, but not the main quest. It runs parallel to it and you'll find recurring references to it throughout. Or such is my aim.

I will be continuing with my rewrite of my last fan fiction- Three Gods and a Sorceress- but this one is quite different and I find myself swinging between writing the two. I believe this story is more accessible to readers, but I'll wait to see what you think. If you want to check it out, the original of my first story is still up on my blog linked in my signature.
I'll be trying to stick close to lore, but forgive me if I modify certain things to suit my intentions for the story.
I also just want to thank BSparrow for helping me with the first chapter. It really helped.
Anyway, thanks in advance!

Chapter I: Execution
Isis slipped through the streets of the Imperial City, remaining in the shadows. Not a sound was to be heard throughout the sleeping city, save for the clink of the patrolling guard's boots on the smooth cobblestones that lined the streets. Much to Isis' advantage, darkness had flooded the entire metropolis, and the moonlight did little to remedy this; avoiding detection was a child's game.
Finally the Dunmer woman arrived at her destination and sent a simple spell into the door to disable the lock. She slipped inside, her black cloak swirling behind her, and took note of her surroundings. The downstairs of the house was in darkness and devoid of life. It was of a simple layout and Isis had little problem finding her way up to bedroom.
Across the simply furnished room, a man sat at a desk poring over a book oblivious to the entry of the newcomer. Isis crept up behind the man, dagger drawn. As she reached him she clamped her hand firmly on his mouth and quickly drew her blade across his throat, spilling his blood on the open book. She stepped away and let the weight of his lifeless body fall forward onto the desk.
As silently as she had entered, she left the candlelight room and proceeded downstairs. Once outside the house she disappeared into the shadows and left the city.
Sir! Sir! cried the young boy as he stumbled through the door to the inn. The Emperors been murdered!
What is this?! exclaimed Manheim at the childs words. Manheim Maulhand, the owner and publican of the Inn of Ill Omen, was a tall and well-built Nord, who towered over the boy. I told you to stop coming in here spouting such nonsense when we have customers! he said sternly, gesturing to the two women who sat on the stools at the counter.
No, sir! I swear to Akatosh! said the boy, his voice weakening under the hard glare of his employers eyes. The whole Imperial City is in chaos!
Instinctively, Manheim turned to face the two women, an incredulous look plastered on his face. Catching onto his thought process, the Bosmer girl turned her attention to her Dunmer friend.
Dont look at me! laughed Isis, I was only there to take care of that Breton!
Isis was a tall yet petite and slender Dark Elf with striking features and sleek auburn hair. Despite having an apparent appeal to men, she cared little for looks. Her companion and friend, Amelia, on the other hand, took great pride in hers; she was an attractive young Wood Elf, with spellbinding dark brown eyes and lustrous blonde hair that hung loosely on her shoulders.
Manheim overcame his initial shock and turned back to face the little boy, Very well. I suppose you didnt get the food you were supposed to fetch?
No, sir. He answered sheepishly, Im afraid all the stalls were closed
Then youll have to go to Bravil. If you leave now youll be back before nightfall.
And you dont want to be out when the sun goes down. interjected Isis with a conceited smile.
Yes thats right! Amelia chimed in, Loads of scary monsters in these parts. Wouldnt want you to get caught out alone
The boy stared at them with a wide-eyed expression, his face turning ghostly white, before quickly hurrying out of the inn. As the door closed behind him, Manheim returned to his position behind the bar and resumed his conversation with the girls.
You know, sometimes I think that youll scare that boy such much the colour will never return to his face! he chuckled.
Oh he needs it! replied Amelia. So, someone got the Emperor?
Sounds like it.
Sounds to me like the go ahead for trouble. Added Isis, breaking her silence.
What do you mean? said Manheim, a look of concern crossing his face.
Think about it. If the entire Empires watching whats happening in the Imperial City Whos watching the troublemakers? remarked the Dunmer.
The three of them were silent for a while. After a few minutes, the door opened and female Redguard walked in.
Minerva! exclaimed Manheim, stepping out from behind the bar to greet her. Uh what can I get you?
Oh uh I uh Ill just have a an ales fine please. She said as she took a seat at one of the rotten wooden tables that furnished the inn.
Amelia, who was relentlessly fascinated by their borderline relationship, just stared at them. Isis, on the other hand, stood up and made her way over to the trap door in the corner of the room.
Well just be visiting our old friend, alright? Isis declared. Wont we Amelia?
Oh! Yes! tearing her eyes away from them.
The two of them promptly left the room and climbed down the hatch to the basemant of the inn.
For Azuras sake, will they ever just come out with it?! said Amelia, the moment the hatch closed.
Ignoring her protests, Isis asked, Do you think hell be sleeping?
Is there ever a time when hes not? retorted Amelia.
They ceased their conversation as they reached the end of the small underground corridor, which lead to the storeroom and the most expensive room in the house. That is to say, it benefited from a few more rickety furnishings and mildly larger size.
Without the courtesy of knocking, the two of them slipped inside the room and looked across to see that Rufio, an ageing man, was in fact, asleep. They slowly made their way across the room and stood over his sleeping form.
After you. Amelia said with a sweeping gesture.
Isis leant over him, the scent of his blood growing stronger, her irises contracting, her manicured nails growing to claws, her teeth lengthening into fangs and in that moment, she relinquished the remaining control she had over the creature that lurked inside her.