These could be a starting point
Check out the K-9 Storm Intruder rig on the Shepard 2nd top left. Click on it. That periscope mast has a RC IR video camera that allows a handler 1/4 mile back to see and hear what the dog does and give the dog spoken directions via radio, using a tablet rig.
Such a rig working through your Pipboy would give a properly trained Dogmeat (and you) the ability to do a great many tasks that are otherwise impossible. The camera view in your Pipboy screen wouldn't even have to include your dog's head, it could be your first person view just framed by the Pipboy screen.
Maybe we should ask for a recon stealth suit to go over this rig. So you can work as a team You provide a distraction while Dogmeat in stealth mode grabs something special you need.