Yea I still get these feelings and I've been playing for 2 years now. I have taken several breaks from the game, to be fair. But lately (as summer turns to fall) I've been getting really obsessed with Oblivino all over again.
I'll be at work for instance, and I'll sometimes start day dreaming of one of my characters. I got 3 solid characters right now. Then I'll go online and watch You Tube vids of Elder Scrolls games since I'm stuck at work and can't actually play.

Then my Republican boss catches me watching a vid and
he's actually thinking this game looks cool!
And sometimes I'll start playing for the evening, looking forward to all the fun, mystery, and spontaneous moments. Like I jsut started doing the Mage's Guild quests all over again with a new character (my first male). I'll think about all the fun I'll have over the next few weeks building my character when all a sudden there will be this feeling in my chest! :blush: It's a heart-feeling, if that makes any sense. and I'll think "what is that feeling?" Then I'll realize it's
love. I'm in
love with a videogame. Imagine that.