Could a good scripter review this script please?

Post » Sat May 21, 2011 10:34 am

I posted this in the CS forums too, but haven't received a response. Being that more people browse this forum I'm hoping to have better luck with getting help. Here's the script:

ScriptName kuerteeCHUDCQuestScript2float fQuestDelayTimestring_var HUDSurfacePathstring_var label8string_var container8string_var bar8string_var quest8string_var variableName8string_var evaluateString8string_var maxValue8short showValueInLabel8short showCode8float scale8float x8float y8float xContainer8float yContainer8float xBar8float yBar8long pLabel8long pContainer8FilePathlong pBar8FilePathlong hud8long hud8Stringlong hud8Containerlong hud8Barstring_var hudFontlong pHUDFontshort fontHeightshort fontWidthshort fontWeightshort hudTItalicshort hudTRshort hudTGshort hudTBshort hudTFormatfloat valuefloat value2short roundValuestring_var stringValuestring_var stringValue2float percentageValuestring_var scriptLinelong pStringValuelong pStringValue2int functionMode;0 = reset;1 = create;2 = updateref obseToPluggyRefstring_var dummyStringshort removeWhenZero8short removeWhenFull8short opacity8string_var evaluateString2short debugbegin GameMode	set debug to 1	set fQuestDelayTime to 2	if IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace		Return	endif	if GetGameLoaded		set functionMode to 0		set obseToPluggyRef to kuerteeCHUDCMiscItem	endif	if functionMode == 0		set functionMode to 1		DelAllHudTs		DelAllHudSs		set hud8 to 0		set hud8Container to 0		set hud8Bar to 0		set evaluateString2 to sv_Destruct		set label8 to sv_Destruct		set container8 to sv_Destruct		set bar8 to sv_Destruct		set quest8 to sv_Destruct		set variableName8 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString8 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue8 to sv_Destruct		set hudFont to sv_Destruct		set stringValue to sv_Destruct		set stringValue2 to sv_Destruct		set scriptLine to sv_Destruct		set dummyString to sv_Destruct	elseif functionMode == 1		set functionMode to 2		;initialise==================================================		if pStringValue = 0			set pStringValue to CreateString -1" " 0 1		endif		if pStringValue2 == 0			set pStringValue2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pHUDFont == 0			set pHUDFont to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pStringValue 0		StringLen pStringValue2 0		StringLen pHUDFont 0		if pLabel8 == 0			set pLabel8 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer8FilePath == 0			set pContainer8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar8FilePath == 0			set pBar8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pLabel8 0		StringLen pContainer8FilePath 0		StringLen pBar8FilePath 0		set fontHeight to 14		set fontWidth to 0		set fontWeight to 0		set hudTItalic to 0		set hudTR to 255		set hudTG to 255		set hudTB to 255		set hudTFormat to 1		set showValueInLabel8 to 0		set showCode8 to 1		set removeWhenZero8 to 0		set removeWhenFull8 to 0		set scale8 to 0.44		set x8 to 15		set y8 to 810		set xContainer8 to 15		set yContainer8 to 825		set xBar8 to xContainer8 + 13 * scale8		set yBar8 to yContainer8 + 1 * scale8		set xBar8 to Ceil xBar8		set yBar8 to Ceil yBar8		set dummyString to sv_Construct "%e"		RunBatchScript "Data\ini\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents.ini"				if hudFont == 0			set hudFont to sv_Construct "DarN Kingthings Petrock 14"		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"Textures\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents\"		endif		if container8 == 0			set container8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar8 == 0			set bar8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"%e"		endif		if stringValue2 == 0			set stringValue2 to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		if scriptLine == 0			set scriptLine to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		SetNameEX "%z" label8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel8		SetNameEx "%z" container8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" pHUDFont obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pHUDFont		;hud8 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString8 != 0 || quest8 != 0 || variableName8 != 0)			if hud8 == 0				set hud8 to NewHudT x8 y8				HudTProtect hud8 0			endif			if hud8String == 0				set hud8String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud8 hud8String pHUDFont showCode8 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer8FilePath				if hud8Container == 0					set hud8Container to NewHudS pContainer8FilePath 1 showCode8 xContainer8 yContainer8					HudSProtect hud8Container 0					HudS_SclX hud8Container scale8					HudS_SclY hud8Container scale8				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar8FilePath				if hud8Bar == 0					set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8					HudSProtect hud8Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud8Bar scale8					HudS_SclY hud8Bar scale8				endif			endif		endif	endif	if functionMode == 2 [color="#FF0000"]<-------------------------------The script won't run past this point.  It runs this line, but won't run any lines beyond this point[/color]	if hud8Bar 	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString8 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest8 variableName8 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue8 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel8			SetString hud8String " "			StringLen hud8String 0			if showValueInLabel8				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud8String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud8String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud8 hud8String		endif		HudS_Tex hud8Bar pBar8FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale8		if debug == 1			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 8 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud8Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero8) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull8)			HudT_Opac hud8 0			HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud8Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud8 opacity8			HudS_Opac hud8Bar opacity8			HudS_Opac hud8Container opacity8		endif	;force opacity		else			HudT_Opac hud8 0			HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud8Container 0		endif	endif	endifend

I marked where I'm having trouble. Why won't the script run past that point?
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Anna Watts
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 8:17 am

I'm not familiar enough with Pluggy commands to be much help, but I would suspect the script doesn't like "if hud8bar". Try something like "if hud8bar > 0". Or, you could try putting a Message command in right before that line to have the game display what value hud8bar has--it may be getting assigned NULL or an invalid value in the "set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8" command?
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 1:04 pm

Well I already tried putting "if hud8Bar != 0" and that didn't help. I didn't think about adding a message command to display the value of hud8Bar. I'll try that. Thanks.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 11:50 am

Well I put in 'PrintC "%.0fhud8Bar"' and I get an OBSE warning about a script error. The log says "Too few args for format specifier"
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 4:32 pm

PrintC "%.2f", hud8bar

That should work!
You may also need to use a console logger such as ConScribe. Depending on the nature of the error, the hud8bar value may not have a chance to display on-screen!
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 2:11 pm

hud8Bar = 0. That's not right.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 4:48 pm

It should equal 16. Check this out: this script works.

ScriptName kuerteeCHUDCQuestScriptfloat fQuestDelayTimestring_var HUDSurfacePathstring_var label1string_var container1string_var bar1string_var quest1string_var variableName1string_var evaluateString1string_var maxValue1short showValueInLabel1short showCode1float scale1float x1float y1float xContainer1float yContainer1float xBar1float yBar1long pLabel1long pContainer1FilePathlong pBar1FilePathlong hud1long hud1Stringlong hud1Containerlong hud1Barstring_var label2string_var container2string_var bar2string_var quest2string_var variableName2string_var evaluateString2string_var maxValue2short showValueInLabel2short showCode2float scale2float x2float y2float xContainer2float yContainer2float xBar2float yBar2long pLabel2long pContainer2FilePathlong pBar2FilePathlong hud2long hud2Stringlong hud2Containerlong hud2Barstring_var label3string_var container3string_var bar3string_var quest3string_var variableName3string_var evaluateString3string_var maxValue3short showValueInLabel3short showCode3float scale3float x3float y3float xContainer3float yContainer3float xBar3float yBar3long pLabel3long pContainer3FilePathlong pBar3FilePathlong hud3long hud3Stringlong hud3Containerlong hud3Barstring_var label4string_var container4string_var bar4string_var quest4string_var variableName4string_var evaluateString4string_var maxValue4short showValueInLabel4short showCode4float scale4float x4float y4float xContainer4float yContainer4float xBar4float yBar4long pLabel4long pContainer4FilePathlong pBar4FilePathlong hud4long hud4Stringlong hud4Containerlong hud4Barstring_var label5string_var container5string_var bar5string_var quest5string_var variableName5string_var evaluateString5string_var maxValue5short showValueInLabel5short showCode5float scale5float x5float y5float xContainer5float yContainer5float xBar5float yBar5long pLabel5long pContainer5FilePathlong pBar5FilePathlong hud5long hud5Stringlong hud5Containerlong hud5Barstring_var label6string_var container6string_var bar6string_var quest6string_var variableName6string_var evaluateString6string_var maxValue6short showValueInLabel6short showCode6float scale6float x6float y6float xContainer6float yContainer6float xBar6float yBar6long pLabel6long pContainer6FilePathlong pBar6FilePathlong hud6long hud6Stringlong hud6Containerlong hud6Barstring_var label7string_var container7string_var bar7string_var quest7string_var variableName7string_var evaluateString7string_var maxValue7short showValueInLabel7short showCode7float scale7float x7float y7float xContainer7float yContainer7float xBar7float yBar7long pLabel7long pContainer7FilePathlong pBar7FilePathlong hud7long hud7Stringlong hud7Containerlong hud7Barstring_var hudFontlong pHUDFontshort fontHeightshort fontWidthshort fontWeightshort hudTItalicshort hudTRshort hudTGshort hudTBshort hudTFormatfloat valuefloat value2short roundValuestring_var stringValuestring_var stringValue2float percentageValuestring_var scriptLinelong pStringValuelong pStringValue2int functionMode;0 = reset;1 = create;2 = updateref obseToPluggyRefstring_var dummyStringshort removeWhenZero1short removeWhenFull1short removeWhenZero2short removeWhenFull2short removeWhenZero3short removeWhenFull3short removeWhenZero4short removeWhenFull4short removeWhenZero5short removeWhenFull5short removeWhenZero6short removeWhenFull6short removeWhenZero7short removeWhenFull7short opacity1short opacity2short opacity3short opacity4short opacity5short opacity6short opacity7short debugbegin GameMode	set fQuestDelayTime to 2	if IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace		Return	endif	if GetGameLoaded		set functionMode to 0		set obseToPluggyRef to kuerteeCHUDCMiscItem	endif	if functionMode == 0		set functionMode to 1		DelAllHudTs		DelAllHudSs		set hud1 to 0		set hud1Container to 0		set hud1Bar to 0		set hud2 to 0		set hud2Container to 0		set hud2Bar to 0		set hud3 to 0		set hud3Container to 0		set hud3Bar to 0		set hud4 to 0		set hud4Container to 0		set hud4Bar to 0		set hud5 to 0		set hud5Container to 0		set hud5Bar to 0		set hud6 to 0		set hud6Container to 0		set hud6Bar to 0		set hud7 to 0		set hud7Container to 0		set hud7Bar to 0		set label1 to sv_Destruct		set container1 to sv_Destruct		set bar1 to sv_Destruct		set quest1 to sv_Destruct		set variableName1 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString1 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue1 to sv_Destruct		set label2 to sv_Destruct		set container2 to sv_Destruct		set bar2 to sv_Destruct		set quest2 to sv_Destruct		set variableName2 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString2 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue2 to sv_Destruct		set label3 to sv_Destruct		set container3 to sv_Destruct		set bar3 to sv_Destruct		set quest3 to sv_Destruct		set variableName3 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString3 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue3 to sv_Destruct		set label4 to sv_Destruct		set container4 to sv_Destruct		set bar4 to sv_Destruct		set quest4 to sv_Destruct		set variableName4 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString4 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue4 to sv_Destruct		set label5 to sv_Destruct		set container5 to sv_Destruct		set bar5 to sv_Destruct		set quest5 to sv_Destruct		set variableName5 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString5 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue5 to sv_Destruct		set label6 to sv_Destruct		set container6 to sv_Destruct		set bar6 to sv_Destruct		set quest6 to sv_Destruct		set variableName6 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString6 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue6 to sv_Destruct		set label7 to sv_Destruct		set container7 to sv_Destruct		set bar7 to sv_Destruct		set quest7 to sv_Destruct		set variableName7 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString7 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue7 to sv_Destruct		set hudFont to sv_Destruct		set stringValue to sv_Destruct		set stringValue2 to sv_Destruct		set scriptLine to sv_Destruct		set dummyString to sv_Destruct	elseif functionMode == 1		set functionMode to 2		;initialise==================================================		if pStringValue = 0			set pStringValue to CreateString -1" " 0 1		endif		if pStringValue2 == 0			set pStringValue2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pHUDFont == 0			set pHUDFont to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pStringValue 0		StringLen pStringValue2 0		StringLen pHUDFont 0		if pLabel1 == 0			set pLabel1 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer1FilePath == 0			set pContainer1FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar1FilePath == 0			set pBar1FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel2 == 0			set pLabel2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer2FilePath == 0			set pContainer2FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar2FilePath == 0			set pBar2FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel3 == 0			set pLabel3 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer3FilePath == 0			set pContainer3FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar3FilePath == 0			set pBar3FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel4 == 0			set pLabel4 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer4FilePath == 0			set pContainer4FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar4FilePath == 0			set pBar4FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel5 == 0			set pLabel5 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer5FilePath == 0			set pContainer5FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar5FilePath == 0			set pBar5FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel6 == 0			set pLabel6 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer6FilePath == 0			set pContainer6FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar6FilePath == 0			set pBar6FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel7 == 0			set pLabel7 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer7FilePath == 0			set pContainer7FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar7FilePath == 0			set pBar7FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pLabel1 0		StringLen pContainer1FilePath 0		StringLen pBar1FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel2 0		StringLen pContainer2FilePath 0		StringLen pBar2FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel3 0		StringLen pContainer3FilePath 0		StringLen pBar3FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel4 0		StringLen pContainer4FilePath 0		StringLen pBar4FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel5 0		StringLen pContainer5FilePath 0		StringLen pBar5FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel6 0		StringLen pContainer6FilePath 0		StringLen pBar6FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel7 0		StringLen pContainer7FilePath 0		StringLen pBar7FilePath 0		set fontHeight to 14		set fontWidth to 0		set fontWeight to 0		set hudTItalic to 0		set hudTR to 255		set hudTG to 255		set hudTB to 255		set hudTFormat to 1		set showValueInLabel1 to 0		set showCode1 to 1		set removeWhenZero1 to 0		set removeWhenFull1 to 0		set scale1 to 0.44		set x1 to 15		set y1 to 600		set xContainer1 to 15		set yContainer1 to 615		set xBar1 to xContainer1 + 13 * scale1		set yBar1 to yContainer1 + 1 * scale1		set xBar1 to Ceil xBar1		set yBar1 to Ceil yBar1		set showValueInLabel2 to 0		set showCode2 to 1		set removeWhenZero2 to 0		set removeWhenFull2 to 0		set scale2 to 0.44		set x2 to 15		set y2 to 630		set xContainer2 to 15		set yContainer2 to 645		set xBar2 to xContainer2 + 13 * scale2		set yBar2 to yContainer2 + 1 * scale2		set xBar2 to Ceil xBar2		set yBar2 to Ceil yBar2		set showValueInLabel3 to 0		set showCode3 to 1		set removeWhenZero3 to 0		set removeWhenFull3 to 0		set scale3 to 0.44		set x3 to 15		set y3 to 660		set xContainer3 to 15		set yContainer3 to 675		set xBar3 to xContainer3 + 13 * scale3		set yBar3 to yContainer3 + 1 * scale3		set xBar3 to Ceil xBar3		set yBar3 to Ceil yBar3		set showValueInLabel4 to 0		set showCode4 to 1		set removeWhenZero4 to 0		set removeWhenFull4 to 0		set scale4 to 0.44		set x4 to 15		set y4 to 690		set xContainer4 to 15		set yContainer4 to 705		set xBar4 to xContainer4 + 13 * scale4		set yBar4 to yContainer4 + 1 * scale4		set xBar4 to Ceil xBar4		set yBar4 to Ceil yBar4		set showValueInLabel5 to 0		set showCode5 to 1		set removeWhenZero5 to 0		set removeWhenFull5 to 0		set scale5 to 0.44		set x5 to 15		set y5 to 720		set xContainer5 to 15		set yContainer5 to 735		set xBar5 to xContainer5 + 13 * scale5		set yBar5 to yContainer5 + 1 * scale5		set xBar5 to Ceil xBar5		set yBar5 to Ceil yBar5		set showValueInLabel6 to 0		set showCode6 to 1		set removeWhenZero6 to 0		set removeWhenFull6 to 0		set scale6 to 0.44		set x6 to 15		set y6 to 750		set xContainer6 to 15		set yContainer6 to 765		set xBar6 to xContainer6 + 13 * scale6		set yBar6 to yContainer6 + 1 * scale6		set xBar6 to Ceil xBar6		set yBar6 to Ceil yBar6			set showValueInLabel7 to 0		set showCode7 to 1		set removeWhenZero7 to 0		set removeWhenFull7 to 0		set scale7 to 0.44		set x7 to 15		set y7 to 780		set xContainer7 to 15		set yContainer7 to 795		set xBar7 to xContainer7 + 13 * scale7		set yBar7 to yContainer7 + 1 * scale7		set xBar7 to Ceil xBar7		set yBar7 to Ceil yBar7		set dummyString to sv_Construct "%e"		RunBatchScript "Data\ini\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents.ini"		if hudFont == 0			set hudFont to sv_Construct "DarN Kingthings Petrock 14"		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"Textures\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents\"		endif		if container1 == 0			set container1 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar1 == 0			set bar1 to sv_Construct "%zbar_orange.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container2 == 0			set container2 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar2 == 0			set bar2 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container3 == 0			set container3 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar3 == 0			set bar3 to sv_Construct "%zbar_yellow.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container4 == 0			set container4 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar4 == 0			set bar4 to sv_Construct "%zbar_orange.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container5 == 0			set container5 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar5 == 0			set bar5 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container6 == 0			set container6 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar6 == 0			set bar6 to sv_Construct "%zbar_yellow.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container7 == 0			set container7 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar7 == 0			set bar7 to sv_Construct "%zbar_orange.jpg" stringValue		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"%e"		endif		if stringValue2 == 0			set stringValue2 to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		if scriptLine == 0			set scriptLine to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		SetNameEX "%z" label1 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel1		SetNameEx "%z" container1 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer1FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar1 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar1FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label2 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel2		SetNameEx "%z" container2 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer2FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar2 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar2FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label3 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel3		SetNameEx "%z" container3 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer3FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar3 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar3FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label4 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel4		SetNameEx "%z" container4 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer4FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar4 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar4FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label5 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel5		SetNameEx "%z" container5 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer5FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar5 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar5FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label6 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel6		SetNameEx "%z" container6 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer6FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar6 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar6FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label7 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel7		SetNameEx "%z" container7 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer7FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar7 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar7FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" pHUDFont obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pHUDFont		;hud1 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString1 != 0 || quest1 != 0 || variableName1 != 0)			if hud1 == 0				set hud1 to NewHudT x1 y1				HudTProtect hud1 0			endif			if hud1String == 0				set hud1String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud1 hud1String pHUDFont showCode1 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer1FilePath				if hud1Container == 0					set hud1Container to NewHudS pContainer1FilePath 1 showCode1 xContainer1 yContainer1					HudSProtect hud1Container 0					HudS_SclX hud1Container scale1					HudS_SclY hud1Container scale1				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar1FilePath				if hud1Bar == 0					set hud1Bar to NewHudS pBar1FilePath 1 showCode1 xBar1 yBar1					HudSProtect hud1Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud1Bar scale1					HudS_SclY hud1Bar scale1				endif			endif		endif		;hud2 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString2 != 0 || quest2 != 0 || variableName2 != 0)			if hud2 == 0				set hud2 to NewHudT x2 y2				HudTProtect hud2 0			endif			if hud2String == 0				set hud2String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud2 hud2String pHUDFont showCode2 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer2FilePath				if hud2Container == 0					set hud2Container to NewHudS pContainer2FilePath 1 showCode2 xContainer2 yContainer2					HudSProtect hud2Container 0					HudS_SclX hud2Container scale2					HudS_SclY hud2Container scale2				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar2FilePath				if hud2bar == 0					set hud2Bar to NewHudS pBar2FilePath 1 showCode2 xBar2 yBar2					HudSProtect hud2Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud2Bar scale2					HudS_SclY hud2Bar scale2				endif			endif		endif		;hud3 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString3 != 0 || quest3 != 0 || variableName3 != 0)			if hud3 == 0				set hud3 to NewHudT x3 y3				HudTProtect hud3 0			endif			if hud3String == 0				set hud3String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud3 hud3String pHUDFont showCode3 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer3FilePath				if hud3Container == 0					set hud3Container to NewHudS pContainer3FilePath 1 showCode3 xContainer3 yContainer3					HudSProtect hud3Container 0					HudS_SclX hud3Container scale3					HudS_SclY hud3Container scale3				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar3FilePath				if hud3Bar == 0					set hud3Bar to NewHudS pBar3FilePath 1 showCode3 xBar3 yBar3					HudSProtect hud3Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud3Bar scale3					HudS_SclY hud3Bar scale3				endif			endif		endif		;hud4 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString4 != 0 || quest4 != 0 || variableName4 != 0)			if hud4 == 0				set hud4 to NewHudT x4 y4				HudTProtect hud4 0			endif			if hud4String == 0				set hud4String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud4 hud4String pHUDFont showCode4 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer4FilePath				if hud4Container == 0					set hud4Container to NewHudS pContainer4FilePath 1 showCode4 xContainer4 yContainer4					HudSProtect hud4Container 0					HudS_SclX hud4Container scale4					HudS_SclY hud4Container scale4				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar4FilePath				if hud4Bar == 0					set hud4Bar to NewHudS pBar4FilePath 1 showCode4 xBar4 yBar4					HudSProtect hud4Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud4Bar scale4					HudS_SclY hud4Bar scale4				endif			endif		endif		;hud5 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString5 != 0 || quest5 != 0 || variableName5 != 0)			if hud5 == 0				set hud5 to NewHudT x5 y5				HudTProtect hud5 0			endif			if hud5String == 0				set hud5String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud5 hud5String pHUDFont showCode5 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer5FilePath				if hud5Container == 0					set hud5Container to NewHudS pContainer5FilePath 1 showCode5 xContainer5 yContainer5					HudSProtect hud5Container 0					HudS_SclX hud5Container scale5					HudS_SclY hud5Container scale5				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar5FilePath				if hud5Bar == 0					set hud5Bar to NewHudS pBar5FilePath 1 showCode5 xBar5 yBar5					HudSProtect hud5Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud5Bar scale5					HudS_SclY hud5Bar scale5				endif			endif		endif		;hud6 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString6 != 0 || quest6 != 0 || variableName6 != 0)			if hud6 == 0				set hud6 to NewHudT x6 y6				HudTProtect hud6 0			endif			if hud6String == 0				set hud6String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud6 hud6String pHUDFont showCode6 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer6FilePath				if hud6Container == 0					set hud6Container to NewHudS pContainer6FilePath 1 showCode6 xContainer6 yContainer6					HudSProtect hud6Container 0					HudS_SclX hud6Container scale6					HudS_SclY hud6Container scale6				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar6FilePath				if hud6Bar == 0					set hud6Bar to NewHudS pBar6FilePath 1 showCode6 xBar6 yBar6					HudSProtect hud6Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud6Bar scale6					HudS_SclY hud6Bar scale6				endif			endif		endif		;hud7 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString7 != 0 || quest7 != 0 || variableName7 != 0)			if hud7 == 0				set hud7 to NewHudT x7 y7				HudTProtect hud7 0			endif			if hud7String == 0				set hud7String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud7 hud7String pHUDFont showCode7 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer7FilePath				if hud7Container == 0					set hud7Container to NewHudS pContainer7FilePath 1 showCode7 xContainer7 yContainer7					HudSProtect hud7Container 0					HudS_SclX hud7Container scale7					HudS_SclY hud7Container scale7				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar7FilePath				if hud7Bar == 0					set hud7Bar to NewHudS pBar7FilePath 1 showCode7 xBar7 yBar7					HudSProtect hud7Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud7Bar scale7					HudS_SclY hud7Bar scale7				endif			endif		endif	endif		if functionMode == 2	;hud1 update==================================================	if hud1Bar	if sv_length evaluateString1		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString1 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest1 variableName1 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue1 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel1			SetString hud1String " "			StringLen hud1String 0			if showValueInLabel1				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud1String pLabel1 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud1String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud1String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud1String pLabel1 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud1 hud1String		endif		HudS_Tex hud1Bar pBar1FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale1		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 1 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud1Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero1) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull1)			HudT_Opac hud1 0			HudS_Opac hud1Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud1Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud1 opacity1			HudS_Opac hud1Bar opacity1			HudS_Opac hud1Container opacity1		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud1 0		HudS_Opac hud1Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud1Container 0	endif	endif	;hud2 update==================================================	if hud2Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString2 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest2 variableName2 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue2 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel2			SetString hud2String " "			StringLen hud2String 0			if showValueInLabel2				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud2String pLabel2 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud2String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud2String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud2String pLabel2 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud2 hud2String		endif		HudS_Tex hud2Bar pBar2FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale2		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 2 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud2Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero2) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull2)			HudT_Opac hud2 0			HudS_Opac hud2Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud2Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud2 opacity2			HudS_Opac hud2Bar opacity2			HudS_Opac hud2Container opacity2		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud2 0		HudS_Opac hud2Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud2Container 0	endif	endif	;hud3 update==================================================	if hud3Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString3 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest3 variableName3 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue3 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel3			SetString hud3String " "			StringLen hud3String 0			if showValueInLabel3				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud3String pLabel3 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud3String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud3String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud3String pLabel3 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud3 hud3String		endif		HudS_Tex hud3Bar pBar3FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale3		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 3 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud3Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero3) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull3)			HudT_Opac hud3 0			HudS_Opac hud3Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud3Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud3 opacity3			HudS_Opac hud3Bar opacity3			HudS_Opac hud3Container opacity3		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud3 0		HudS_Opac hud3Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud3Container 0	endif	endif	;hud4 update==================================================	if hud4Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString4 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest4 variableName4 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue4 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel4			SetString hud4String " "			StringLen hud4String 0			if showValueInLabel4				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud4String pLabel4 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud4String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud4String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud4String pLabel4 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud4 hud4String		endif		HudS_Tex hud4Bar pBar4FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale4		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 4 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud4Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero4) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull4)			HudT_Opac hud4 0			HudS_Opac hud4Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud4Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud4 opacity4			HudS_Opac hud4Bar opacity4			HudS_Opac hud4Container opacity4		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud4 0		HudS_Opac hud4Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud4Container 0	endif	endif	;hud5 update==================================================	if hud5Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString5 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest5 variableName5 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue5 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel5			SetString hud5String " "			StringLen hud5String 0			if showValueInLabel5				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud5String pLabel5 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud5String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud5String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud5String pLabel5 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud5 hud5String		endif		HudS_Tex hud5Bar pBar5FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale5		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 5 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud5Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero5) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull5)			HudT_Opac hud5 0			HudS_Opac hud5Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud5Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud5 opacity5			HudS_Opac hud5Bar opacity5			HudS_Opac hud5Container opacity5		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud5 0		HudS_Opac hud5Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud5Container 0	endif	endif	;hud6 update==================================================	if hud6Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString6 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest6 variableName6 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue6 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel6			SetString hud6String " "			StringLen hud6String 0			if showValueInLabel6				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud6String pLabel6 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud6String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud6String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud6String pLabel6 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud6 hud6String		endif		HudS_Tex hud6Bar pBar6FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale6		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 6 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud6Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero6) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull6)			HudT_Opac hud6 0			HudS_Opac hud6Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud6Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud6 opacity6			HudS_Opac hud6Bar opacity6			HudS_Opac hud6Container opacity6		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud6 0		HudS_Opac hud6Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud6Container 0	endif	endif	;hud7 update==================================================	if hud7Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString7 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest7 variableName7 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue7 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel7			SetString hud7String " "			StringLen hud7String 0			if showValueInLabel7				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud7String pLabel7 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud7String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud7String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud7String pLabel7 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud7 hud7String		endif		HudS_Tex hud7Bar pBar7FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale7		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 7 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud7Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero7) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull7)			HudT_Opac hud7 0			HudS_Opac hud7Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud7Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud7 opacity7			HudS_Opac hud7Bar opacity7			HudS_Opac hud7Container opacity7		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud7 0		HudS_Opac hud7Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud7Container 0	endif	endif	endifend

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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 11:17 am

try adding debug statements to your hud8 initialize section. Make sure the code is executing how you expect and a value is indeed being assigned to hud8bar
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 9:40 am

That's just it. A value isn't being assigned to hud8Bar, and one should be. It should equal 16, but it is returning zero. I'm at a total loss here. I have absolutely no clue what is wrong.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 3:38 pm

Ah screw it. One of those things that I will just have to do without.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 7:34 am

Wait, wait...come on now. I know there are some good scripters that could at least offer a suggestion.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 6:08 am

Wait, wait...come on now. I know there are some good scripters that could at least offer a suggestion.

The only place I see hud8bar being set is
set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8

So perhaps looking into that statement is a good place to start...

However, if you're looking for a more powerful hud tweaking mod, might I direct you to
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matt oneil
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 6:33 am

The only place I see hud8bar being set is
set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8

So perhaps looking into that statement is a good place to start...

However, if you're looking for a more powerful hud tweaking mod, might I direct you to

Yeah, I'm going to use that mod as soon as text is able to be displayed. For now I'm sticking with kCHUDC.

hud8Bar is set to zero in the beginning of the script, then it is supposed to be set to 16 via the code you showed there, but is returning zero. I don't know what's wrong. I've pretty much given up, and I think it's pretty much stumped the forum too because there are a lot of views for this thread, but not a lot of responses.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 12:17 pm

You might want to consider seeking out the author(s) of Pluggy or post in a general Pluggy thread. I'm not familiar enough with it to be of any help, sorry.
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clelia vega
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 6:42 pm

You might want to consider seeking out the author(s) of Pluggy or post in a general Pluggy thread. I'm not familiar enough with it to be of any help, sorry.

You think? Yeah, I may do that.
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Mark Churchman
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