If we could have more dlc, would you buy it?

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:54 pm

So, the NV story has ended for me bar a few reruns and the GRA & CS packs with different character builds. This will leave a bit of a fallout sized hole in my life :fallout: as I think about how much time I've sunk into this game (and FO3) over the years.

This got me to thinking, what if in a theoretical world where Bethesda turned round to Obsidian and said, 'you know what? you guys can turn out a few more dlc's for NV if you want to", would you want them, or would you prefer to leave the story where it is?

(Personally I'm not talking about a 'broken steel' extend the story after the final battle type dlc). If we did have more dlc, do you have any suggestions on what areas we could go to or what stories would you like to see told?
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:00 pm

If they still raised the Level cap by 5 every time, I'd buy the f*ckers until I was 100. Hell, I'd even consider a 5 dollar DLC that made Freeside and New Vegas one continuous strip (Like it was supposed to be)....ok to be completely honest I'd probably buy anything they put out..just cause.
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