Hello. I recently came back to Skyrim since it's release! I'm very excited to run Skyrim with all it's amazing mods. However, I get CTD almost as soon as the game launches. I hope someone with more experience than me could help to diagnose the issue with me. I've already tried alot of things but to no avail and I feel like I need some help from a pro. Let it be said that I'm no noob with Skyrim and mods, so you're not trying to help a dumb kid here.
Okay, the reason I say "almost as soon as the game launches", is because it initializes the ENB before it crashes. The crash occurs when the texts "Continue, Load, New, Options" and whatnot are supposed to appear in the bottom right. I'm no expert but would you think this would imply on a non-loadorder -related issue? Usually when it's about the load order the game CTD's before you can see anything, am I correct? On top of this, I run BOSS to make sure the loadorder is fine. It doesn't give me any errors. So.. I think this leads us to a different kind of problem - I think it must be a mod compatibility issue? It's a bitter blow to my ego because I tend to be very careful about the stability of the game and always read everything about the mod carefully so that I don't miss anything that has to do with compatibility. But do my troubles not indicate to this rather than a loadorder issue? I'll post the loadorder anyway since it should list pretty much all the mods I use, and maybe you know of some incompatibilities that I don't know of. One quick note: I've used TES5Edit but doesn't tell much. It gives a few errors, but not fatal ones. I removed a mod which caused errors and all patches for it binding it to other mods, but it didn't help. Now I just have one file that still gives me errors, the SkyProccer, the very last file in my load order. But if it's a game-crashing error, shouldn't it crash TES5Edit too? I still think it's a compatibility issue rather than one with the load order. Here are the errors TES5Edit gives me:
Do you think this causes the crashes on desktop? I don't understand though; isn't SkyProccer basically compatible with EVERYTHING? Why does it give these errors, and are these errors the cause of the CTD?
Here is my load-order. These are the active plugins. Sorry :/ I have 200+ mods installed. Someone said Skyrim stops working if you have more than 200 mods installed? Any truth to this? Also: I have CBBE installed but apparently there's no .esp for that. Also, you can see that I have SkyRe and Deadly Combat, that is not the cause of the crashes, because I didn't install the AI package or Combat package of SkyRe.
Big thanks for your time Seriously thank you, even if we don't find the solution!