Really? So, if we take the hundred-plus ideas per day that flood these forums, deal them out to each of the hundred-odd people working on the game, and continue doing that every day, the result would be the ultimate CRPG ever? Or is it more likely that trying to shove everything including the kitchen sink into it would mean many, many neglected ideas shoved into it as barebones, barely-completed ideas that give the entire game a sheen of rushed mediocrity?
I'm inclined to find the latter more accurate, with experience to go by no less- look at all the "features galore" games people get these ideas from, then annotate their own idea with "Of course it svcked in [game] because they just shoved it in with a bunch of other features and didn't really work on it..." yet we get thread after thread saying "If they'd just add this in, cause more choices = better game, amirite?"
Well-done additions and extras make a good game. "Lots of" additions and extras make...lots of additions and extras, sure- but additions to what? If the focus is so much on adding everything, then what "everything" is getting added to kinda gets neglected. I'd rather have less stuff, but all of it well-done, than every lame gimmick that's ever been done in an unpolished, rushed form that makes it feel as obviously rushed and crammed-in as it actually is.
Did you miss where I said "Now, I must stress that I understand the difference between many options that don't work and fewer options but are fully flushed out."
What I said is that having a lot of options is great as long as they are flushed out well. And romance and a solid story, in my opinion, should be part of RPGs. I guess that is where we can agree to disagree.