First lets look at Veronica:
The quest went fine up until the point where I must return to the elder with the tech. I'd already completed both the vault 22 quest and the Helios one quests (The data wasnt destroyed in the former but Archimedes II wasn't armed in the latter) so I picked the obvious option and recovered the pulse gun. But i've encountered a bug that apparently alot of people have already encountered, as soon as Veronica and the elder are face to face they start a staring contest instead of a quest progressing conversation (although the elder does make a movement that would suggest he soiled himself, which does please me somewhat). I've tried a few fix' on the wiki (dropping the weapon, re-downloading the info from gibsons shack etc) but none worked, so would anybody else suggest something to help or something that worked for them?
I managed to trigger about 90% of his conversation but he still isn't initiating the companion quest. Any ideas?
I'm having trouble even initiating the triggers for his quest, the only person he responded to was sterling, ranger andy having already been spoken to and Loyal having no conversation options other than "goodbye", ha anybody ele encountered this?
I'm almost dreading getting cass as a follower after experiencing these ultimately dissapointing bugs.