Could a master scripter review this script

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:33 am

I'm getting error with this script and I don't see why. I'm getting an "invalid If/EndIf block structure" and an "mismatched if/else/endif block" errors. The script looks right to me.

ScriptName kuerteeCHUDCQuestScript2float fQuestDelayTimestring_var HUDSurfacePathstring_var label8string_var container8string_var bar8string_var quest8string_var variableName8string_var evaluateString8string_var maxValue8short showValueInLabel8short showCode8float scale8float x8float y8float xContainer8float yContainer8float xBar8float yBar8long pLabel8long pContainer8FilePathlong pBar8FilePathlong hud8long hud8Stringlong hud8Containerlong hud8Barstring_var hudFontlong pHUDFontshort fontHeightshort fontWidthshort fontWeightshort hudTItalicshort hudTRshort hudTGshort hudTBshort hudTFormatfloat valuefloat value2short roundValuestring_var stringValuestring_var stringValue2float percentageValuestring_var scriptLinelong pStringValuelong pStringValue2int functionMode;0 = reset;1 = create;2 = updateref obseToPluggyRefstring_var dummyStringshort removeWhenZero8short removeWhenFull8short opacity8string_var evaluateString2begin GameMode	set fQuestDelayTime to 2	if IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace		Return	endif	if GetGameLoaded		set functionMode to 0		set obseToPluggyRef to kuerteeCHUDCMiscItem	endif	if functionMode == 0		set functionMode to 1		DelAllHudTs		DelAllHudSs		set hud8 to 0		set hud8Container to 0		set hud8Bar to 0		set evaluateString2 to sv_Destruct		set label8 to sv_Destruct		set container8 to sv_Destruct		set bar8 to sv_Destruct		set quest8 to sv_Destruct		set variableName8 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString8 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue8 to sv_Destruct		set hudFont to sv_Destruct		set stringValue to sv_Destruct		set stringValue2 to sv_Destruct		set scriptLine to sv_Destruct		set dummyString to sv_Destruct	elseif functionMode == 1 <------------------------------mismatched else/if/endif block according to the CS		set functionMode to 2		;initialise==================================================		if pStringValue = 0			set pStringValue to CreateString -1" " 0 1		endif		if pStringValue2 == 0			set pStringValue2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pHUDFont == 0			set pHUDFont to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pStringValue 0		StringLen pStringValue2 0		StringLen pHUDFont 0		if pLabel8 == 0			set pLabel8 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer8FilePath == 0			set pContainer8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar8FilePath == 0			set pBar8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		StringLen pLabel8 0		StringLen pContainer8FilePath 0		StringLen pBar8FilePath 0		set fontHeight to 14		set fontWidth to 0		set fontWeight to 0		set hudTItalic to 0		set hudTR to 255		set hudTG to 255		set hudTB to 255		set hudTFormat to 1		set showValueInLabel8 to 0		set showCode8 to 1		set removeWhenZero8 to 0		set removeWhenFull8 to 0		set scale8 to 0.44		set x8 to 15		set y8 to 810		set xContainer8 to 15		set yContainer8 to 825		set xBar8 to xContainer8 + 13 * scale1		set yBar8 to yContainer8 + 1 * scale1		set xBar8 to Ceil xBar8		set yBar8 to Ceil yBar8		set dummyString to sv_Construct "%e"		RunBatchScript "Data\ini\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents.ini"		if hudFont == 0			set hudFont to sv_Construct "DarN Kingthings Petrock 14"		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"Textures\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents\"		endif		if container8 == 0			set container8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar8 == 0			set bar8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		SetNameEX "%z" label8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel8		SetNameEx "%z" container8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" pHUDFont obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pHUDFont		;hud8 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString8 != 0 || quest8 != 0 || variableName8 != 0)			if hud8 == 0				set hud8 to NewHudT x8 y8				HudTProtect hud8 0			endif			if hud8String == 0				set hud8String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud8 hud8String pHUDFont showCode8 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer8FilePath				if hud8Container == 0					set hud8Container to NewHudS pContainer8FilePath 1 showCode8 xContainer8 yContainer8					HudSProtect hud8Container 0					HudS_SclX hud8Container scale8					HudS_SclY hud8Container scale8				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar8FilePath				if hud8Bar == 0					set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8					HudSProtect hud8Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud8Bar scale8					HudS_SclY hud8Bar scale8				endif			endif		endif	endif	if functionMode == 2		;hud8 update==================================================	if hud8Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString8 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest8 variableName8 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue8 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel8			SetString hud8String " "			StringLen hud8String 0			if showValueInLabel8				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud8String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud8String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud8 hud8String		endif		HudS_Tex hud8Bar pBar8FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale8		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 8 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud8Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero8) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull8)			HudT_Opac hud8 0			HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud8Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud8 opacity8			HudS_Opac hud8Bar opacity8			HudS_Opac hud8Container opacity8		endif	;force opacity		else			HudT_Opac hud8 0			HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud8Container 0		endif	endif	endifend <---------------------------invalid if/endif block structure

I would really appreciate any help.
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luke trodden
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:44 pm

Nevermind. I figured it out.
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Ymani Hood
Posts: 3514
Joined: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:22 am

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:30 pm

if pBar8FilePath == 0
set pBar8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1
StringLen pLabel8 0
StringLen pContainer8FilePath 0
StringLen pBar8FilePath 0


if bar8 == 0
set bar8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue
SetNameEX "%z" label8 obseToPluggyRef
StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel8

I think this are your problems. But please check your code because there are things, which aren't easy to understand for other people, like this:
if functionMode == 2

;hud8 update==================================================
if hud8Bar
if sv_length evaluateString2

Aren't there enough endifs or tabs. I think tabs, but this is, why you can't find your mistakes and why other people tell you, that that there is a mistake(a false positive).

And I think this isn't right(or tab-problem?):
if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero8) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull8)
HudT_Opac hud8 0
HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0
HudS_Opac hud8Container 0
HudT_Opac hud8 opacity8
HudS_Opac hud8Bar opacity8
HudS_Opac hud8Container opacity8

;force opacity
HudT_Opac hud8 0
HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0
HudS_Opac hud8Container 0

An else after an endif??

I hope that my three 'mistakes' are really mistakes and not false positives caused by your code-formation.

Edit: Ok, he solved it while I had was writing this.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:49 pm

Thanks for the help. Maybe you can help me again. The script won't run past a certain point.

ScriptName kuerteeCHUDCQuestScript2float fQuestDelayTimestring_var HUDSurfacePathstring_var label8string_var container8string_var bar8string_var quest8string_var variableName8string_var evaluateString8string_var maxValue8short showValueInLabel8short showCode8float scale8float x8float y8float xContainer8float yContainer8float xBar8float yBar8long pLabel8long pContainer8FilePathlong pBar8FilePathlong hud8long hud8Stringlong hud8Containerlong hud8Barstring_var hudFontlong pHUDFontshort fontHeightshort fontWidthshort fontWeightshort hudTItalicshort hudTRshort hudTGshort hudTBshort hudTFormatfloat valuefloat value2short roundValuestring_var stringValuestring_var stringValue2float percentageValuestring_var scriptLinelong pStringValuelong pStringValue2int functionMode;0 = reset;1 = create;2 = updateref obseToPluggyRefstring_var dummyStringshort removeWhenZero8short removeWhenFull8short opacity8string_var evaluateString2short debugbegin GameMode	set fQuestDelayTime to 2	if IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace		Return	endif	if GetGameLoaded		set functionMode to 0		set obseToPluggyRef to kuerteeCHUDCMiscItem	endif	if functionMode == 0		set functionMode to 1		DelAllHudTs		DelAllHudSs		set hud8 to 0		set hud8Container to 0		set hud8Bar to 0		set evaluateString2 to sv_Destruct		set label8 to sv_Destruct		set container8 to sv_Destruct		set bar8 to sv_Destruct		set quest8 to sv_Destruct		set variableName8 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString8 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue8 to sv_Destruct		set hudFont to sv_Destruct		set stringValue to sv_Destruct		set stringValue2 to sv_Destruct		set scriptLine to sv_Destruct		set dummyString to sv_Destruct	elseif functionMode == 1		set functionMode to 2		;initialise==================================================		if pStringValue = 0			set pStringValue to CreateString -1" " 0 1		endif		if pStringValue2 == 0			set pStringValue2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pHUDFont == 0			set pHUDFont to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pStringValue 0		StringLen pStringValue2 0		StringLen pHUDFont 0		if pLabel8 == 0			set pLabel8 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer8FilePath == 0			set pContainer8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar8FilePath == 0			set pBar8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pLabel8 0		StringLen pContainer8FilePath 0		StringLen pBar8FilePath 0		set fontHeight to 14		set fontWidth to 0		set fontWeight to 0		set hudTItalic to 0		set hudTR to 255		set hudTG to 255		set hudTB to 255		set hudTFormat to 1		set showValueInLabel8 to 0		set showCode8 to 1		set removeWhenZero8 to 0		set removeWhenFull8 to 0		set scale8 to 0.44		set x8 to 15		set y8 to 810		set xContainer8 to 15		set yContainer8 to 825		set xBar8 to xContainer8 + 13 * scale8		set yBar8 to yContainer8 + 1 * scale8		set xBar8 to Ceil xBar8		set yBar8 to Ceil yBar8		set dummyString to sv_Construct "%e"		RunBatchScript "Data\ini\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents.ini"		if hudFont == 0			set hudFont to sv_Construct "DarN Kingthings Petrock 14"		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"Textures\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents\"		endif		if container8 == 0			set container8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar8 == 0			set bar8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"%e"		endif		if stringValue2 == 0			set stringValue2 to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		if scriptLine == 0			set scriptLine to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		SetNameEX "%z" label8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel8		SetNameEx "%z" container8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar8 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" pHUDFont obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pHUDFont		;hud8 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString8 != 0 || quest8 != 0 || variableName8 != 0)			if hud8 == 0				set hud8 to NewHudT x8 y8				HudTProtect hud8 0			endif			if hud8String == 0				set hud8String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud8 hud8String pHUDFont showCode8 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer8FilePath				if hud8Container == 0					set hud8Container to NewHudS pContainer8FilePath 1 showCode8 xContainer8 yContainer8					HudSProtect hud8Container 0					HudS_SclX hud8Container scale8					HudS_SclY hud8Container scale8				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar8FilePath				if hud8Bar == 0					set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8					HudSProtect hud8Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud8Bar scale8					HudS_SclY hud8Bar scale8				endif			endif		endif	endif	if functionMode == 2 [color="#FF0000"]<-------------------------------------------[b]It won't run past this point.  Why?  It runs up to this point, but not past it.[/b][/color]		;hud8 update==================================================	if hud8Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString8 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest8 variableName8 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue8 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel8			SetString hud8String " "			StringLen hud8String 0			if showValueInLabel8				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud8String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud8String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud8 hud8String		endif		HudS_Tex hud8Bar pBar8FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale8		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 8 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud8Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero8) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull8)			HudT_Opac hud8 0			HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud8Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud8 opacity8			HudS_Opac hud8Bar opacity8			HudS_Opac hud8Container opacity8		endif	;force opacity		else			HudT_Opac hud8 0			HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud8Container 0		endif	endif	endifend

I marked in the code box where it won't run further. Why is it not running past that point? I have no clue.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
Posts: 3369
Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:59 am

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:01 pm

What's weird is this script runs fine:

ScriptName kuerteeCHUDCQuestScriptfloat fQuestDelayTimestring_var HUDSurfacePathstring_var label1string_var container1string_var bar1string_var quest1string_var variableName1string_var evaluateString1string_var maxValue1short showValueInLabel1short showCode1float scale1float x1float y1float xContainer1float yContainer1float xBar1float yBar1long pLabel1long pContainer1FilePathlong pBar1FilePathlong hud1long hud1Stringlong hud1Containerlong hud1Barstring_var label2string_var container2string_var bar2string_var quest2string_var variableName2string_var evaluateString2string_var maxValue2short showValueInLabel2short showCode2float scale2float x2float y2float xContainer2float yContainer2float xBar2float yBar2long pLabel2long pContainer2FilePathlong pBar2FilePathlong hud2long hud2Stringlong hud2Containerlong hud2Barstring_var label3string_var container3string_var bar3string_var quest3string_var variableName3string_var evaluateString3string_var maxValue3short showValueInLabel3short showCode3float scale3float x3float y3float xContainer3float yContainer3float xBar3float yBar3long pLabel3long pContainer3FilePathlong pBar3FilePathlong hud3long hud3Stringlong hud3Containerlong hud3Barstring_var label4string_var container4string_var bar4string_var quest4string_var variableName4string_var evaluateString4string_var maxValue4short showValueInLabel4short showCode4float scale4float x4float y4float xContainer4float yContainer4float xBar4float yBar4long pLabel4long pContainer4FilePathlong pBar4FilePathlong hud4long hud4Stringlong hud4Containerlong hud4Barstring_var label5string_var container5string_var bar5string_var quest5string_var variableName5string_var evaluateString5string_var maxValue5short showValueInLabel5short showCode5float scale5float x5float y5float xContainer5float yContainer5float xBar5float yBar5long pLabel5long pContainer5FilePathlong pBar5FilePathlong hud5long hud5Stringlong hud5Containerlong hud5Barstring_var label6string_var container6string_var bar6string_var quest6string_var variableName6string_var evaluateString6string_var maxValue6short showValueInLabel6short showCode6float scale6float x6float y6float xContainer6float yContainer6float xBar6float yBar6long pLabel6long pContainer6FilePathlong pBar6FilePathlong hud6long hud6Stringlong hud6Containerlong hud6Barstring_var label7string_var container7string_var bar7string_var quest7string_var variableName7string_var evaluateString7string_var maxValue7short showValueInLabel7short showCode7float scale7float x7float y7float xContainer7float yContainer7float xBar7float yBar7long pLabel7long pContainer7FilePathlong pBar7FilePathlong hud7long hud7Stringlong hud7Containerlong hud7Barstring_var hudFontlong pHUDFontshort fontHeightshort fontWidthshort fontWeightshort hudTItalicshort hudTRshort hudTGshort hudTBshort hudTFormatfloat valuefloat value2short roundValuestring_var stringValuestring_var stringValue2float percentageValuestring_var scriptLinelong pStringValuelong pStringValue2int functionMode;0 = reset;1 = create;2 = updateref obseToPluggyRefstring_var dummyStringshort removeWhenZero1short removeWhenFull1short removeWhenZero2short removeWhenFull2short removeWhenZero3short removeWhenFull3short removeWhenZero4short removeWhenFull4short removeWhenZero5short removeWhenFull5short removeWhenZero6short removeWhenFull6short removeWhenZero7short removeWhenFull7short opacity1short opacity2short opacity3short opacity4short opacity5short opacity6short opacity7short debugbegin GameMode	set fQuestDelayTime to 2	if IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace		Return	endif	if GetGameLoaded		set functionMode to 0		set obseToPluggyRef to kuerteeCHUDCMiscItem	endif	if functionMode == 0		set functionMode to 1		DelAllHudTs		DelAllHudSs		set hud1 to 0		set hud1Container to 0		set hud1Bar to 0		set hud2 to 0		set hud2Container to 0		set hud2Bar to 0		set hud3 to 0		set hud3Container to 0		set hud3Bar to 0		set hud4 to 0		set hud4Container to 0		set hud4Bar to 0		set hud5 to 0		set hud5Container to 0		set hud5Bar to 0		set hud6 to 0		set hud6Container to 0		set hud6Bar to 0		set hud7 to 0		set hud7Container to 0		set hud7Bar to 0		set label1 to sv_Destruct		set container1 to sv_Destruct		set bar1 to sv_Destruct		set quest1 to sv_Destruct		set variableName1 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString1 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue1 to sv_Destruct		set label2 to sv_Destruct		set container2 to sv_Destruct		set bar2 to sv_Destruct		set quest2 to sv_Destruct		set variableName2 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString2 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue2 to sv_Destruct		set label3 to sv_Destruct		set container3 to sv_Destruct		set bar3 to sv_Destruct		set quest3 to sv_Destruct		set variableName3 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString3 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue3 to sv_Destruct		set label4 to sv_Destruct		set container4 to sv_Destruct		set bar4 to sv_Destruct		set quest4 to sv_Destruct		set variableName4 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString4 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue4 to sv_Destruct		set label5 to sv_Destruct		set container5 to sv_Destruct		set bar5 to sv_Destruct		set quest5 to sv_Destruct		set variableName5 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString5 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue5 to sv_Destruct		set label6 to sv_Destruct		set container6 to sv_Destruct		set bar6 to sv_Destruct		set quest6 to sv_Destruct		set variableName6 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString6 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue6 to sv_Destruct		set label7 to sv_Destruct		set container7 to sv_Destruct		set bar7 to sv_Destruct		set quest7 to sv_Destruct		set variableName7 to sv_Destruct		set evaluateString7 to sv_Destruct		set maxValue7 to sv_Destruct		set hudFont to sv_Destruct		set stringValue to sv_Destruct		set stringValue2 to sv_Destruct		set scriptLine to sv_Destruct		set dummyString to sv_Destruct	elseif functionMode == 1		set functionMode to 2		;initialise==================================================		if pStringValue = 0			set pStringValue to CreateString -1" " 0 1		endif		if pStringValue2 == 0			set pStringValue2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pHUDFont == 0			set pHUDFont to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pStringValue 0		StringLen pStringValue2 0		StringLen pHUDFont 0		if pLabel1 == 0			set pLabel1 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer1FilePath == 0			set pContainer1FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar1FilePath == 0			set pBar1FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel2 == 0			set pLabel2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer2FilePath == 0			set pContainer2FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar2FilePath == 0			set pBar2FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel3 == 0			set pLabel3 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer3FilePath == 0			set pContainer3FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar3FilePath == 0			set pBar3FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel4 == 0			set pLabel4 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer4FilePath == 0			set pContainer4FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar4FilePath == 0			set pBar4FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel5 == 0			set pLabel5 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer5FilePath == 0			set pContainer5FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar5FilePath == 0			set pBar5FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel6 == 0			set pLabel6 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer6FilePath == 0			set pContainer6FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar6FilePath == 0			set pBar6FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pLabel7 == 0			set pLabel7 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pContainer7FilePath == 0			set pContainer7FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		if pBar7FilePath == 0			set pBar7FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1		endif		StringLen pLabel1 0		StringLen pContainer1FilePath 0		StringLen pBar1FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel2 0		StringLen pContainer2FilePath 0		StringLen pBar2FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel3 0		StringLen pContainer3FilePath 0		StringLen pBar3FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel4 0		StringLen pContainer4FilePath 0		StringLen pBar4FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel5 0		StringLen pContainer5FilePath 0		StringLen pBar5FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel6 0		StringLen pContainer6FilePath 0		StringLen pBar6FilePath 0		StringLen pLabel7 0		StringLen pContainer7FilePath 0		StringLen pBar7FilePath 0		set fontHeight to 14		set fontWidth to 0		set fontWeight to 0		set hudTItalic to 0		set hudTR to 255		set hudTG to 255		set hudTB to 255		set hudTFormat to 1		set showValueInLabel1 to 0		set showCode1 to 1		set removeWhenZero1 to 0		set removeWhenFull1 to 0		set scale1 to 0.44		set x1 to 15		set y1 to 600		set xContainer1 to 15		set yContainer1 to 615		set xBar1 to xContainer1 + 13 * scale1		set yBar1 to yContainer1 + 1 * scale1		set xBar1 to Ceil xBar1		set yBar1 to Ceil yBar1		set showValueInLabel2 to 0		set showCode2 to 1		set removeWhenZero2 to 0		set removeWhenFull2 to 0		set scale2 to 0.44		set x2 to 15		set y2 to 630		set xContainer2 to 15		set yContainer2 to 645		set xBar2 to xContainer2 + 13 * scale2		set yBar2 to yContainer2 + 1 * scale2		set xBar2 to Ceil xBar2		set yBar2 to Ceil yBar2		set showValueInLabel3 to 0		set showCode3 to 1		set removeWhenZero3 to 0		set removeWhenFull3 to 0		set scale3 to 0.44		set x3 to 15		set y3 to 660		set xContainer3 to 15		set yContainer3 to 675		set xBar3 to xContainer3 + 13 * scale3		set yBar3 to yContainer3 + 1 * scale3		set xBar3 to Ceil xBar3		set yBar3 to Ceil yBar3		set showValueInLabel4 to 0		set showCode4 to 1		set removeWhenZero4 to 0		set removeWhenFull4 to 0		set scale4 to 0.44		set x4 to 15		set y4 to 690		set xContainer4 to 15		set yContainer4 to 705		set xBar4 to xContainer4 + 13 * scale4		set yBar4 to yContainer4 + 1 * scale4		set xBar4 to Ceil xBar4		set yBar4 to Ceil yBar4		set showValueInLabel5 to 0		set showCode5 to 1		set removeWhenZero5 to 0		set removeWhenFull5 to 0		set scale5 to 0.44		set x5 to 15		set y5 to 720		set xContainer5 to 15		set yContainer5 to 735		set xBar5 to xContainer5 + 13 * scale5		set yBar5 to yContainer5 + 1 * scale5		set xBar5 to Ceil xBar5		set yBar5 to Ceil yBar5		set showValueInLabel6 to 0		set showCode6 to 1		set removeWhenZero6 to 0		set removeWhenFull6 to 0		set scale6 to 0.44		set x6 to 15		set y6 to 750		set xContainer6 to 15		set yContainer6 to 765		set xBar6 to xContainer6 + 13 * scale6		set yBar6 to yContainer6 + 1 * scale6		set xBar6 to Ceil xBar6		set yBar6 to Ceil yBar6			set showValueInLabel7 to 0		set showCode7 to 1		set removeWhenZero7 to 0		set removeWhenFull7 to 0		set scale7 to 0.44		set x7 to 15		set y7 to 780		set xContainer7 to 15		set yContainer7 to 795		set xBar7 to xContainer7 + 13 * scale7		set yBar7 to yContainer7 + 1 * scale7		set xBar7 to Ceil xBar7		set yBar7 to Ceil yBar7		set dummyString to sv_Construct "%e"		RunBatchScript "Data\ini\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents.ini"		if hudFont == 0			set hudFont to sv_Construct "DarN Kingthings Petrock 14"		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"Textures\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents\"		endif		if container1 == 0			set container1 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar1 == 0			set bar1 to sv_Construct "%zbar_orange.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container2 == 0			set container2 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar2 == 0			set bar2 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container3 == 0			set container3 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar3 == 0			set bar3 to sv_Construct "%zbar_yellow.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container4 == 0			set container4 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar4 == 0			set bar4 to sv_Construct "%zbar_orange.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container5 == 0			set container5 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar5 == 0			set bar5 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container6 == 0			set container6 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar6 == 0			set bar6 to sv_Construct "%zbar_yellow.jpg" stringValue		endif		if container7 == 0			set container7 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue		endif		if bar7 == 0			set bar7 to sv_Construct "%zbar_orange.jpg" stringValue		endif		if stringValue = 0			set stringValue to sv_Construct"%e"		endif		if stringValue2 == 0			set stringValue2 to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		if scriptLine == 0			set scriptLine to sv_Construct "%e"		endif		SetNameEX "%z" label1 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel1		SetNameEx "%z" container1 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer1FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar1 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar1FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label2 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel2		SetNameEx "%z" container2 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer2FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar2 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar2FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label3 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel3		SetNameEx "%z" container3 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer3FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar3 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar3FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label4 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel4		SetNameEx "%z" container4 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer4FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar4 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar4FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label5 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel5		SetNameEx "%z" container5 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer5FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar5 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar5FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label6 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel6		SetNameEx "%z" container6 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer6FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar6 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar6FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" label7 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel7		SetNameEx "%z" container7 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pContainer7FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEx "%z" bar7 obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2		StringCat pBar7FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2		SetNameEX "%z" pHUDFont obseToPluggyRef		StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pHUDFont		;hud1 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString1 != 0 || quest1 != 0 || variableName1 != 0)			if hud1 == 0				set hud1 to NewHudT x1 y1				HudTProtect hud1 0			endif			if hud1String == 0				set hud1String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud1 hud1String pHUDFont showCode1 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer1FilePath				if hud1Container == 0					set hud1Container to NewHudS pContainer1FilePath 1 showCode1 xContainer1 yContainer1					HudSProtect hud1Container 0					HudS_SclX hud1Container scale1					HudS_SclY hud1Container scale1				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar1FilePath				if hud1Bar == 0					set hud1Bar to NewHudS pBar1FilePath 1 showCode1 xBar1 yBar1					HudSProtect hud1Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud1Bar scale1					HudS_SclY hud1Bar scale1				endif			endif		endif		;hud2 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString2 != 0 || quest2 != 0 || variableName2 != 0)			if hud2 == 0				set hud2 to NewHudT x2 y2				HudTProtect hud2 0			endif			if hud2String == 0				set hud2String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud2 hud2String pHUDFont showCode2 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer2FilePath				if hud2Container == 0					set hud2Container to NewHudS pContainer2FilePath 1 showCode2 xContainer2 yContainer2					HudSProtect hud2Container 0					HudS_SclX hud2Container scale2					HudS_SclY hud2Container scale2				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar2FilePath				if hud2bar == 0					set hud2Bar to NewHudS pBar2FilePath 1 showCode2 xBar2 yBar2					HudSProtect hud2Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud2Bar scale2					HudS_SclY hud2Bar scale2				endif			endif		endif		;hud3 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString3 != 0 || quest3 != 0 || variableName3 != 0)			if hud3 == 0				set hud3 to NewHudT x3 y3				HudTProtect hud3 0			endif			if hud3String == 0				set hud3String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud3 hud3String pHUDFont showCode3 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer3FilePath				if hud3Container == 0					set hud3Container to NewHudS pContainer3FilePath 1 showCode3 xContainer3 yContainer3					HudSProtect hud3Container 0					HudS_SclX hud3Container scale3					HudS_SclY hud3Container scale3				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar3FilePath				if hud3Bar == 0					set hud3Bar to NewHudS pBar3FilePath 1 showCode3 xBar3 yBar3					HudSProtect hud3Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud3Bar scale3					HudS_SclY hud3Bar scale3				endif			endif		endif		;hud4 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString4 != 0 || quest4 != 0 || variableName4 != 0)			if hud4 == 0				set hud4 to NewHudT x4 y4				HudTProtect hud4 0			endif			if hud4String == 0				set hud4String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud4 hud4String pHUDFont showCode4 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer4FilePath				if hud4Container == 0					set hud4Container to NewHudS pContainer4FilePath 1 showCode4 xContainer4 yContainer4					HudSProtect hud4Container 0					HudS_SclX hud4Container scale4					HudS_SclY hud4Container scale4				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar4FilePath				if hud4Bar == 0					set hud4Bar to NewHudS pBar4FilePath 1 showCode4 xBar4 yBar4					HudSProtect hud4Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud4Bar scale4					HudS_SclY hud4Bar scale4				endif			endif		endif		;hud5 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString5 != 0 || quest5 != 0 || variableName5 != 0)			if hud5 == 0				set hud5 to NewHudT x5 y5				HudTProtect hud5 0			endif			if hud5String == 0				set hud5String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud5 hud5String pHUDFont showCode5 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer5FilePath				if hud5Container == 0					set hud5Container to NewHudS pContainer5FilePath 1 showCode5 xContainer5 yContainer5					HudSProtect hud5Container 0					HudS_SclX hud5Container scale5					HudS_SclY hud5Container scale5				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar5FilePath				if hud5Bar == 0					set hud5Bar to NewHudS pBar5FilePath 1 showCode5 xBar5 yBar5					HudSProtect hud5Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud5Bar scale5					HudS_SclY hud5Bar scale5				endif			endif		endif		;hud6 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString6 != 0 || quest6 != 0 || variableName6 != 0)			if hud6 == 0				set hud6 to NewHudT x6 y6				HudTProtect hud6 0			endif			if hud6String == 0				set hud6String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud6 hud6String pHUDFont showCode6 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer6FilePath				if hud6Container == 0					set hud6Container to NewHudS pContainer6FilePath 1 showCode6 xContainer6 yContainer6					HudSProtect hud6Container 0					HudS_SclX hud6Container scale6					HudS_SclY hud6Container scale6				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar6FilePath				if hud6Bar == 0					set hud6Bar to NewHudS pBar6FilePath 1 showCode6 xBar6 yBar6					HudSProtect hud6Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud6Bar scale6					HudS_SclY hud6Bar scale6				endif			endif		endif		;hud7 initialise==================================================		if (evaluateString7 != 0 || quest7 != 0 || variableName7 != 0)			if hud7 == 0				set hud7 to NewHudT x7 y7				HudTProtect hud7 0			endif			if hud7String == 0				set hud7String to CreateString -1 0 0 1			endif			SetHudT hud7 hud7String pHUDFont showCode7 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat 			if StringLen pContainer7FilePath				if hud7Container == 0					set hud7Container to NewHudS pContainer7FilePath 1 showCode7 xContainer7 yContainer7					HudSProtect hud7Container 0					HudS_SclX hud7Container scale7					HudS_SclY hud7Container scale7				endif			endif			if StringLen pBar7FilePath				if hud7Bar == 0					set hud7Bar to NewHudS pBar7FilePath 1 showCode7 xBar7 yBar7					HudSProtect hud7Bar 0					HudS_SclX hud7Bar scale7					HudS_SclY hud7Bar scale7				endif			endif		endif	endif		if functionMode == 2	;hud1 update==================================================	if hud1Bar	if sv_length evaluateString1		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString1 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest1 variableName1 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue1 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel1			SetString hud1String " "			StringLen hud1String 0			if showValueInLabel1				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud1String pLabel1 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud1String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud1String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud1String pLabel1 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud1 hud1String		endif		HudS_Tex hud1Bar pBar1FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale1		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 1 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud1Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero1) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull1)			HudT_Opac hud1 0			HudS_Opac hud1Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud1Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud1 opacity1			HudS_Opac hud1Bar opacity1			HudS_Opac hud1Container opacity1		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud1 0		HudS_Opac hud1Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud1Container 0	endif	endif	;hud2 update==================================================	if hud2Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString2 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest2 variableName2 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue2 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel2			SetString hud2String " "			StringLen hud2String 0			if showValueInLabel2				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud2String pLabel2 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud2String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud2String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud2String pLabel2 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud2 hud2String		endif		HudS_Tex hud2Bar pBar2FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale2		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 2 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud2Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero2) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull2)			HudT_Opac hud2 0			HudS_Opac hud2Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud2Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud2 opacity2			HudS_Opac hud2Bar opacity2			HudS_Opac hud2Container opacity2		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud2 0		HudS_Opac hud2Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud2Container 0	endif	endif	;hud3 update==================================================	if hud3Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString3 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest3 variableName3 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue3 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel3			SetString hud3String " "			StringLen hud3String 0			if showValueInLabel3				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud3String pLabel3 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud3String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud3String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud3String pLabel3 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud3 hud3String		endif		HudS_Tex hud3Bar pBar3FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale3		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 3 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud3Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero3) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull3)			HudT_Opac hud3 0			HudS_Opac hud3Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud3Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud3 opacity3			HudS_Opac hud3Bar opacity3			HudS_Opac hud3Container opacity3		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud3 0		HudS_Opac hud3Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud3Container 0	endif	endif	;hud4 update==================================================	if hud4Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString4 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest4 variableName4 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue4 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel4			SetString hud4String " "			StringLen hud4String 0			if showValueInLabel4				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud4String pLabel4 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud4String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud4String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud4String pLabel4 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud4 hud4String		endif		HudS_Tex hud4Bar pBar4FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale4		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 4 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud4Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero4) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull4)			HudT_Opac hud4 0			HudS_Opac hud4Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud4Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud4 opacity4			HudS_Opac hud4Bar opacity4			HudS_Opac hud4Container opacity4		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud4 0		HudS_Opac hud4Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud4Container 0	endif	endif	;hud5 update==================================================	if hud5Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString5 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest5 variableName5 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue5 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel5			SetString hud5String " "			StringLen hud5String 0			if showValueInLabel5				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud5String pLabel5 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud5String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud5String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud5String pLabel5 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud5 hud5String		endif		HudS_Tex hud5Bar pBar5FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale5		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 5 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud5Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero5) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull5)			HudT_Opac hud5 0			HudS_Opac hud5Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud5Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud5 opacity5			HudS_Opac hud5Bar opacity5			HudS_Opac hud5Container opacity5		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud5 0		HudS_Opac hud5Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud5Container 0	endif	endif	;hud6 update==================================================	if hud6Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString6 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest6 variableName6 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue6 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel6			SetString hud6String " "			StringLen hud6String 0			if showValueInLabel6				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud6String pLabel6 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud6String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud6String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud6String pLabel6 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud6 hud6String		endif		HudS_Tex hud6Bar pBar6FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale6		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 6 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud6Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero6) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull6)			HudT_Opac hud6 0			HudS_Opac hud6Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud6Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud6 opacity6			HudS_Opac hud6Bar opacity6			HudS_Opac hud6Container opacity6		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud6 0		HudS_Opac hud6Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud6Container 0	endif	endif	;hud7 update==================================================	if hud7Bar	if sv_length evaluateString2		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString7 scriptLine	else		sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest7 variableName7 scriptLine	endif	RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue7 stringValue2	RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	if value || value2		if pLabel7			SetString hud7String " "			StringLen hud7String 0			if showValueInLabel7				set roundValue to value				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud7String pLabel7 pStringValue				SetString pStringValue " of "				StringCat hud7String pStringValue				set roundValue to value2				IntToString pStringValue roundValue				StringCat hud7String pStringValue			else				SetString pStringValue " "				StringLen pStringValue 0				StringCat hud7String pLabel7 pStringValue			endif			HudT_Text hud7 hud7String		endif		HudS_Tex hud7Bar pBar7FilePath 1		set percentageValue to value / value2		if percentageValue < 0			set percentageValue to 0		elseif percentageValue > 1			set percentageValue to 1		endif		set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale7		if debug			PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 7 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue		endif		HudS_SclX hud7Bar percentageValue		if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero7) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull7)			HudT_Opac hud7 0			HudS_Opac hud7Bar 0			HudS_Opac hud7Container 0		else			HudT_Opac hud7 opacity7			HudS_Opac hud7Bar opacity7			HudS_Opac hud7Container opacity7		endif	;force opacity	else		HudT_Opac hud7 0		HudS_Opac hud7Bar 0		HudS_Opac hud7Container 0	endif	endif	endifend

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Miragel Ginza
Posts: 3502
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:44 am

What's weird is this script runs fine:

You are declaring FunctionMode as "int". Is this possible, even with OBSE?
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Natalie Taylor
Posts: 3301
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:54 pm

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:37 pm

I guess. The one script works, that I posted second.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:59 am

I know there are some good scripters out there that may have an idea what wrong with that script...
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:28 am

Stumped the forum...
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saharen beauty
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