ScriptName kuerteeCHUDCQuestScript2float fQuestDelayTimestring_var HUDSurfacePathstring_var label8string_var container8string_var bar8string_var quest8string_var variableName8string_var evaluateString8string_var maxValue8short showValueInLabel8short showCode8float scale8float x8float y8float xContainer8float yContainer8float xBar8float yBar8long pLabel8long pContainer8FilePathlong pBar8FilePathlong hud8long hud8Stringlong hud8Containerlong hud8Barstring_var hudFontlong pHUDFontshort fontHeightshort fontWidthshort fontWeightshort hudTItalicshort hudTRshort hudTGshort hudTBshort hudTFormatfloat valuefloat value2short roundValuestring_var stringValuestring_var stringValue2float percentageValuestring_var scriptLinelong pStringValuelong pStringValue2int functionMode;0 = reset;1 = create;2 = updateref obseToPluggyRefstring_var dummyStringshort removeWhenZero8short removeWhenFull8short opacity8string_var evaluateString2begin GameMode set fQuestDelayTime to 2 if IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace Return endif if GetGameLoaded set functionMode to 0 set obseToPluggyRef to kuerteeCHUDCMiscItem endif if functionMode == 0 set functionMode to 1 DelAllHudTs DelAllHudSs set hud8 to 0 set hud8Container to 0 set hud8Bar to 0 set evaluateString2 to sv_Destruct set label8 to sv_Destruct set container8 to sv_Destruct set bar8 to sv_Destruct set quest8 to sv_Destruct set variableName8 to sv_Destruct set evaluateString8 to sv_Destruct set maxValue8 to sv_Destruct set hudFont to sv_Destruct set stringValue to sv_Destruct set stringValue2 to sv_Destruct set scriptLine to sv_Destruct set dummyString to sv_Destruct elseif functionMode == 1 <------------------------------mismatched else/if/endif block according to the CS set functionMode to 2 ;initialise================================================== if pStringValue = 0 set pStringValue to CreateString -1" " 0 1 endif if pStringValue2 == 0 set pStringValue2 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1 endif if pHUDFont == 0 set pHUDFont to CreateString -1 " " 0 1 endif StringLen pStringValue 0 StringLen pStringValue2 0 StringLen pHUDFont 0 if pLabel8 == 0 set pLabel8 to CreateString -1 " " 0 1 endif if pContainer8FilePath == 0 set pContainer8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1 endif if pBar8FilePath == 0 set pBar8FilePath to CreateString -1 " " 0 1 StringLen pLabel8 0 StringLen pContainer8FilePath 0 StringLen pBar8FilePath 0 set fontHeight to 14 set fontWidth to 0 set fontWeight to 0 set hudTItalic to 0 set hudTR to 255 set hudTG to 255 set hudTB to 255 set hudTFormat to 1 set showValueInLabel8 to 0 set showCode8 to 1 set removeWhenZero8 to 0 set removeWhenFull8 to 0 set scale8 to 0.44 set x8 to 15 set y8 to 810 set xContainer8 to 15 set yContainer8 to 825 set xBar8 to xContainer8 + 13 * scale1 set yBar8 to yContainer8 + 1 * scale1 set xBar8 to Ceil xBar8 set yBar8 to Ceil yBar8 set dummyString to sv_Construct "%e" RunBatchScript "Data\ini\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents.ini" if hudFont == 0 set hudFont to sv_Construct "DarN Kingthings Petrock 14" endif if stringValue = 0 set stringValue to sv_Construct"Textures\kuerteeCustomisableHUDComponents\" endif if container8 == 0 set container8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_container.png" stringValue endif if bar8 == 0 set bar8 to sv_Construct "%zbar_purple.jpg" stringValue SetNameEX "%z" label8 obseToPluggyRef StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pLabel8 SetNameEx "%z" container8 obseToPluggyRef StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2 StringCat pContainer8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2 SetNameEx "%z" bar8 obseToPluggyRef StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pStringValue2 StringCat pBar8FilePath pStringValue pStringValue2 SetNameEX "%z" pHUDFont obseToPluggyRef StringGetName obseToPluggyRef pHUDFont ;hud8 initialise================================================== if (evaluateString8 != 0 || quest8 != 0 || variableName8 != 0) if hud8 == 0 set hud8 to NewHudT x8 y8 HudTProtect hud8 0 endif if hud8String == 0 set hud8String to CreateString -1 0 0 1 endif SetHudT hud8 hud8String pHUDFont showCode8 fontHeight fontWidth fontWeight hudTItalic hudTR hudTG hudTB hudTFormat if StringLen pContainer8FilePath if hud8Container == 0 set hud8Container to NewHudS pContainer8FilePath 1 showCode8 xContainer8 yContainer8 HudSProtect hud8Container 0 HudS_SclX hud8Container scale8 HudS_SclY hud8Container scale8 endif endif if StringLen pBar8FilePath if hud8Bar == 0 set hud8Bar to NewHudS pBar8FilePath 1 showCode8 xBar8 yBar8 HudSProtect hud8Bar 0 HudS_SclX hud8Bar scale8 HudS_SclY hud8Bar scale8 endif endif endif endif if functionMode == 2 ;hud8 update================================================== if hud8Bar if sv_length evaluateString2 sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString8 scriptLine else sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest8 variableName8 scriptLine endif RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine sv_Set "set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue8 stringValue2 RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2 if value || value2 if pLabel8 SetString hud8String " " StringLen hud8String 0 if showValueInLabel8 set roundValue to value IntToString pStringValue roundValue StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue SetString pStringValue " of " StringCat hud8String pStringValue set roundValue to value2 IntToString pStringValue roundValue StringCat hud8String pStringValue else SetString pStringValue " " StringLen pStringValue 0 StringCat hud8String pLabel8 pStringValue endif HudT_Text hud8 hud8String endif HudS_Tex hud8Bar pBar8FilePath 1 set percentageValue to value / value2 if percentageValue < 0 set percentageValue to 0 elseif percentageValue > 1 set percentageValue to 1 endif set percentageValue to percentageValue * scale8 if debug PrintToConsole "kCHUD: HUD 8 value %0.2f value2 %0.2f percentage %0.2f" value value2 percentageValue endif HudS_SclX hud8Bar percentageValue if (value < 1 && removeWhenZero8) || (value > value2 - 1 && removeWhenFull8) HudT_Opac hud8 0 HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0 HudS_Opac hud8Container 0 else HudT_Opac hud8 opacity8 HudS_Opac hud8Bar opacity8 HudS_Opac hud8Container opacity8 endif ;force opacity else HudT_Opac hud8 0 HudS_Opac hud8Bar 0 HudS_Opac hud8Container 0 endif endif endifend <---------------------------invalid if/endif block structure
I would really appreciate any help.