Od kilku dni mam nietypowy komunikat, z którym nigdy nie mia?em do czynienia.
Informacja do niczego nie nawi?zuje nie wiem jak naprawi? ten problem.
Gra jest oczywi?cie oryginalna. Mój internet jest osiedlowy, nigdy nie mia?em problemów z grami wieloosobowymi. Dzi?kuj? za pomoc.
ENGLISH: (translated by Google Translate)
For several days I have an unusual message, which I never had to deal with.
Unable to connect to the multiplayer. Check your network connection and try again.
Information does not refer to anything I do not know how to fix this problem.
The game is certainly original. My internet is a housing estate, I never had problems with multiplayer games. Thank you for your help.