I am totally lost on what to do at this point. Please forgive my methods of explaining this as I am not the most savvy with PC related issues.
I am having issues where things in my game just bug out. Water, animals and such seems to spaz. The water seems to flash at times. The best way to describe it would be that it's like the nighttime sky during a lightning storm. And, every time the "lightning" flashes, the sound sort of flashes with it.
With animals; they jump up in down, really fast, in place. For example; the bear in the Helgen caves is sleeping, but his sleeping body jumps up and down repeatedly and swiftly. I noticed this right from the intro because when I was in the carriage with Ulfric, our horse spazzed out and died. It almost seemed like we rolled the carriage. I was then stuck there. I transferred a save from my old PC to skip that part, thinking it was isolated, but came across the issues I listed above, so I assume it's related.
I don't have any mods, other than the official High Res Texture packs. I have uninstalled and wiped my PC clean of Skyrim files twice now, with no luck. My PC specs are as follows: