I could see this as a place to visit in the future of Fallou

Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:51 am


Or at least part of the area in certain places. I really liked to kill those spore critters in
Vault 22 and Zion park

I think they should have some influence in Utah which seems to recieve alot of care into its lore considering CL has claim to it so do many other fctions we may learn later in future titles on the west coast.

Would give another reoccurring enemy to meet in the FO world. Possibly afew areas may have zombie like mutated corpses filled with spores, and its one living entity hive mind that is trying to engulf the area. Maybe somehow it has incresed intelligence and somehow remember when the bombs fell.

Not exactly communicate but it wuld be interesting to see such a place or possibly mutated creature/s from this massive organism.

Sorry if posted in the wrong section, if a Mod needs move it. My bad.
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Michelle davies
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