Nords are naturally resistant to frost. Hope you don't plan on using frost magic lol
Nords are naturally resistant to frost. Hope you don't plan on using frost magic lol
The sudden bonus to magic skills for the Redguards is very surprising and isn't really supported in lore that I know of. In Oblivion you even have a that explains, that in Hammerfell, magic is for the weak and wicked, and that he, as a Redguard mage, still has major issues with conjuration, illusion and some parts of the mysticism magic practices.
"I'm Trayvond the Redguard, Mages Guild Evoker. Surprised? Yes, you don't see many Redguards in the Mages Guild. We don't much like spellcasters in Hammerfell. Wizards steal souls and tamper with minds. If you use magic, you're weak or wicked. My family didn't approve of my vocation, so I had to come to Cyrodiil for my education. I admit... I still have strong prejudices against necromancy, summoning, and illusion. Profaning the remains or souls of the dead is just wrong. And I'm uneasy about tampering with other's minds and trafficking with Daedra."
Oh, hey what do you know? A pure warrior massacring battlemages.
Explain please, I've got the idea it's very difficult to not possible to do that but what in Oblivion is so funny ?
And you sir are not a real Thalmor member, you told me that a long time ago. That said Skyrim has a pretty nice space program, maybe the giants can launch the Thalmor into the sun, that is a whole made by Magnus so the Thalmor could theoretically escape through the hole if launched hard enough right? So yes, Skyrim could pull a Hammerfell if they recruit the Thalmor into their space program.
I never said Skyrim couldn't pull off a Hammerfell. Realistically speaking, it wold be a waste of money and resources for the Thalmor to even try to invade Skyrim in the first place.
It would be naive to believe that either Skyrim or Hammerfell could or has truly kicked out the Thalmor. The Dominion Army, maybe. But the Thalmor's forte is cloak-and-dagger work. That's what they do. Just ask the crate full of Blades heads how good they are.
It would take kicking in the Thalmor's front door with an invasion of Summerset to truly end the threat they pose. And to effectively do that would take a degree of unity that the Thalmor have been actively trying to dismantle. Once they're done splitting off provinces from the Empire, they'll work on sowing discord within provinces. Reopen old wounds between the Crowns and Forebears, goad King Ulfric and his loyalists into being vindictive towards the formerly pro-Imperial holds (especially Haafingar, they're already started in Whiterun), continue working the Thalmor toadies in Cyrodiil...
As people have tried to explain, magic isn't an "I win" button. War, even in Tamriel, is much more complicated than that. Magic is powerful, but for it to become as powerful as it would need to be for what you are proposing, you would need a number of people of skill similar to the Master Wizard Neloth, who is one of the best mages in Morrowind. Very few has that skill. If magic was an "I win" button, the Empire wouldn't be able to take back the Imperial City at the Battle at Red Ring, because the Legions are mostly warriors.
Yes it can.
The “Skyrim cannot survive alone”-argument
This one is one of the simpler arguments to debunk, because any high school dropout can look at the map and see how silly this argument is. Here.
Lets look at the two ways a military force can invade a territory. The first possibility is by Land. If the Thalmor were to attempt this, they'd need to go through either Morrowind (not allies of the Thalmor, and never have been, plus Argonians occupy part of it and are fighting the Dark Elves) or Hammerfell (obviously hostile to the Dominion) or through Cyrodiil. Now many say that there's the solution. The Thalmor have a treaty with the Empire, and they are allowed through Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Two things. One, the Justiciars are allowed, and two, whole armies are clearly not. How do I know this? Tullius himself says at the Empire is currently guarding it's border to watch for an attack from the Dominion. Think about that for a sec. If the Thalmor were allowed to walts in whenever they wanted, why the hell is the Empire wasting their time guarding their borders? It makes no sense. Clearly the deal of the Thalmor in their territory extends solely to Justiciars for hunting down "heretics" not their whole army.
Now look at Skyrim's natural barriers. Mountains. The worst kind. You cannot sustain an flow of troops and supplies through a mountain range. Not easily anyway. Couple that with the intense weather, and you have a complete supply chain disaster. Now, the Thalmor, assuming they actually did get through Cyrodiil in whatever fashion still would have trouble getting through even if they used the Pale Pass, due to it's treacherous reputation. Here's an example of how it caused trouble for Tullius during the Stormcloak rebellion: In, the Pale Pass was closed due to avalanches, preventing Imperial reinforcements from helping to secure Falkreath Hold under Imperial control during the
In short, a land invasion is highly unlikely in the current situation. I didn't even talk about the obvious disadvantage of fighting in a cold climate that the Thalmor are not at all used to fighting in (their homeland is SUMMERSET ISLE for Talos's sake) against a people who are literally magically resistant to cold weather and magic.
Now lets look at what the Thalmor are actually good at. Naval invasion. The Thalmor are known to have the most advanced and powerful naval force in Tamriel. But even the most advanced naval ships cannot successfully invade without a safe port nearby to house reinforcements and supplies to sustain the attack. See how far away Summerset Isle is? It would be comically impractical to invade Skyrim from this far away, whether that be by land or sea. Even our real life history proves this fact to be true. The Thalmor can't set one on the coast of Skyrim to the North because one, they'd be under constant attack, and two, the Sea of Ghosts is as the name suggests extremely treacherous. They don't have any islands nearby to do this either. The only possibility they have is to anger the Dark Elves as well, and take one of those islands that are literally on the opposite side of Tamriel from Summerset Isle. Then they'd be fighting two nearby nations at the same time, and this time one of them is magically adept, and are as tough as the Nords are. So without a true safe port, this invasion tactic is even more unlikely to succeed.
This is why I personally laugh at those who say "without the Empire in Skyrim, the Stormcloaks are doomed." The Nords could literally sit back and gulp down some Black-Briar mead while the land does the fighting for them.
And that I understood, I got it that my idea was very difficult to impossible to actually do, it was THAT HARD to explain ?
Thank you kind sir Tdroid.
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