» Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:44 am
I thought this needed some clarification. The default 'kill impulse' setting for a standard power fist is 20, and knocks normal-sized foes back a short distance. When I reset the same weapon's 'kill impulse' to 200 and used an uppercut to finish the same foes, they flew from Novac almost into Lake Mead, near the dam. The project dictator himself [/bow] has indicated here that the 'impulse dist' field is probably used to set the range to which this effect is applied, which is good enough for me (although after a brief perusal the only weapon I found with such a distance set was a lead pipe [Rauls - dist 8, impulse 0], and I think that was a typo). So case closed as to the purpose of 'kill impulse', anyway. Please update the GECK Wiki accordingly at your earliest convenience.
It should be noted that there are 'kill impulse' settings for quite a few ranged weapons also. It occurred to me that maybe combinations of 'kill impulse' force, projectile force or attached explosion force settings (such as on the Gauss rifle) might be responsible for the sometimes bizarre effects on victims of these weapons including, you know, when they fly about with their limbs stretching and being weird. I'm already working on another .esm (which is why I was looking this up in the first place) which I was hoping to upload soon...
OK, I let myself get sidetracked and tested it a bit: I set 'kill impulse' to 0 on the YCS/186 and 100 on the normal Gauss rifle, and set 100 force on the Gauss projectile explosion (changing the 'Impact force' value for the projectile itself seemed to have no effect on hits on NPCs), and then again with both settings at 500. I could see the two forces were combining using the Gauss rifle, but I couldn't get anything to do the weird stretchy limb thing. Even at 500/500, NPCs blasted into objects bounced as you'd expect, and those blasted into the ground usually just disappeared.
The GECK Wiki says: "Impact Force: Sets the strength of the force of the projectile". I tried dramatically increasing the projectile impact force value for a weapon that I had set to have no kill impulse and had no explosion (a 9mm pistol), and while I didn't see an effect on NPC impacts (seemed to be 0 force), it certainly had an effect on smaller objects, like Wonderglue bottles, which I was able to shoot far off into the distance - whether this value is only used to calculate lesser physics effects on loose objects I dunno, but I do think the Wiki needs to be clarified here also.
At least we can see that all force-related effects (possibly including knockdowns?) associated with a weapon should be compared and balanced appropriately; I'd say any value over 10 or 15 will create a noticeable difference when combined. (The vanilla Gauss has 60 'kill impulse' force, 12 explosion force and looks fine, btw; I was just using it for the test.)