» Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 pm
Frameskip is just that, it skips frames. Assuming you were getting 60fps, a frameskip of one would have you at 30fps, and at two, 20fps. If you skipped three frames, you'd be down to 15fps if you were achieving 60fps. Frameskip can destroy a game's framerate and make it harder to play due to choppiness. You should NEVER have to use frameskip to smooth out audio. If the audio isn't running smoothly but the game itself is, you generally just have to lower the cycles a bit. For example, Daggerfall at 40k cycles with a dynamic core causes the music to play slowly when dialogs are open, but it does not do this at 30k cycles. The same can be said for numerous other games. Frameskip should not be used unless you're experiencing some very bad problems and need to edbug them.