The difference is, Crytek wants to license their engine to other companies. Pushing the graphical limits of each respected system is the whole selling point. Beth isn't looking to do either. As Todd stated, the game will be equal across all platforms. They do deep RPGs with lots of detailed gameplay, not the other way around.
Now cheer up, laddie. Dry those delicious tears.
I'd love to find out which inside source allows you to predict Bethesda's business strategy for the next few years... particularly with the recent release of New Vegas, where they licensed an IP out. Considering Bethesda didn't actually own Gamebryo, you can't exactly tell what their plans are when this is the first time we've seen an engine from them since they've become such a sizeable company. I'm going to point out, for the thousandth time, that artists and graphical programmers are not the staff who will be working on gameplay. People (with that elitist, non-compromising 'GAMEPLAY> GRAPHICS' chant, as though they believe themselves revolutionary polemicists) still somehow seem to be under the delusion that the videogame industry is the perfect model of labour mobility, when in actual fact it is much more so engaged in the division of labour, as is the case with almost every modern business.
You can quite easily have both gameplay and graphics, the most potent argument for which would be that the best looking games often end up being fantastically well designed also. Honestly, it's as though people are still reeling from the 'shock' that Doom 3 wasn't quite up to scratch. Morrowind was touted as gorgeous before its launch, might I remind you, and so was Oblivion. ( Crysis was also an exceptionally good FPS, you might wish to note.)
I'm going to point out, also, in no malice, that in your second sentence you would wish to substitute 'respected' for 'respective', and in your final sentence, you ought remove the final phrase 'not the other way around', as in context it sounds as though you mean that 'Bethesda make detailed RPGs full of deep gameplay'. Rather than that Bethesda make games which are exclusively (read= their unique/ singular notable feature would be that they are) complex.
Which is, to anybody who has played Morrowind, quite untrue.