Seeing as what separates the players from the NPC's, in TESO Lorewise, seems to be that they all had their souls taken by Molag Bal, how could that have happened? Did Molag Bal send an influx of whatever people resided in his realm into Tamriel? If so for what purpose? How could he have? If not? How could he steal that many peoples souls? The hooks? Did he yank them from the dreamsleeve and put them in mortal vessels? Can he do that?
From the Doors of Oblivion.
" 'The sky is on fire,' I heard him say as he moved on to the next realm. 'The ground is sludge, but traversable. I see blackened ruins all around me, like a war was fought here in the distant past. The air is freezing. I cast blooms of warmth all around me, but it still feels like daggers of ice stabbing me in all directions.'
This was Coldharbour, where Molag Bal was Prince. It appeared to Zenas as if it were a future Nirn, under the King of [censored], desolate and barren, filled with suffering. I could hear Morian Zenas weep at the images he saw, and shiver at the sight of the Imperial Palace, spattered with blood and excrement".
Doesn't seem like a place where people can live. Any other sources on it?
I am having a hard time imagining how Molag Bal could steal thousands of souls from various people from different races and ideals on Tamriel. This is a topic worthy of discussion I believe. It also needs light shed on it by the devs of TESO but that will not likely happen for some time.