Those weren't fire ants, those were regular ants at the Boomers Airfield.
The Fire Ants in the drylakes is what is a loose end. I'll just stick to the simple, FEV natural mutation like the geckos explanation.
And Rook, Obsidian came from Black Isle who created the first 2 FOs which created the lore.........If anyone should be blamed about abusing lore it should be Beth.
Nope sorry not in the case of fire ants on the west coast. As Mr. House says it was an accident by a scientist on the east coast. Bethesda made them up, and Obsidian destroyed the lore of canons lore.
If I find out that lakelurks have no buisness being on the west coast I ll really flip. What is their reason for being there? If I look up mirelurks,lakelurks,swamlurks,and mirelurk kings and there were none in fo or fo2 I ll go ballistic about the lore of canons lore that was destroyed.