I don't take the line 'All FEV Research is to be sent to Mariposa' as 'It was all there when the bombs hit'. I take it as 'it was in mid-transport'. Also, is it really so bad that someone in Fallout 3 is actually SMART? I mean, he's one of the few in the game with any semblence of classical intelligence, is it so hard to believe someone wanted to be more than one of those filty squatters that are so abundant in the D.C. area?
FEV was to be all at Mariposa. It was moved from West Tek to Mariposa. Bethesda ingored that and came up with another type of FEV and in Vault a of all places. :dry: How did the guy get his hands on FEV? Where did he get it? Walked into Vault 87?
How would he know what FEV is?
As for a person in DC being smart. Problem is way to many people in DC are smart and yet not one of these people figured out how to grow plants, rebuild, clean water without a big project purity or even just smart enough to move their ass out of that hell hole, not one in 200 years!
The idea of people 200 plus years after a nuclear war that have the knowledge of DNA and FEV (outsided of the Enclave) and people that know how to do facial surgery, work in a lab in Rivet City, James and so on. All these smart people in an are the size of DC. Yet not one person figured out if you put a seed in the ground it will grow. No sign of any educational areas outside of Vault 101 or any apprenticeship programs.
There are so many other problems I can go into about Fallout 3 but sticking to Fire Ants.
I find it just as likely that FEV that caused other mutations in other animals can just as well cause natural fire ants in the Mojave. After all if it can make Geckos breath fire it can make ants. The Geckos were in Fallout 2 so if anything Bethesda ripped off Fallout 2. The Movie
"Them" did no thave fire breathing ants.