» Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:57 pm
You don't even need to unlock all perks for a given skill. One handed, for example. If you specialize in blades, then there's no need to unlock the axe or mace perks, and for bow, I haven't even taken the bow zoom perks yet. But I do want to earn Power Shot and Quick Shot. I'll probably hold off taking the final perks for either 1H or Archery. Paralysis was never that great for me in OB, and especially for Archery - a horizontal opponent is harder to aim at. :dry:
My "specialties" are 1H (sword), archery, light armor, block, and sneak. Mostly I've been buffing raw effectiveness so far. No frills. I'll get to that stuff later after I max out pure damage and protection abilities.