We need an RPG because missile launchers are simply too expensive and hard to find for low-level players. Make the RPG damage 3/4 the damage of the missile launcher plus a mid-level spread. This would keep it balanced.
An AK47 or 74 would allow us to finally have a fully automatic rifle with higher damage than the assault carbine, and lower spread than the light machine gun and automatic rifle. A damage of 20 compared to the Assault Carbines 13 would make it worth it. Also since in the Fallout universe the Soviet Union had good relations with the US it would make sense logically that one could find it in America. This works with the RPG as well.
EDIT: Possible reasons for Soviet/Chinese weapons being in the divide: Joint American and Soviet military exercise, Chinese agents in the divide, Russian/Chinese immigrant with schematics producing them there.
What do you guys think?