Anyone who answers yes is probably a young person. A friend of mine once thought it would have been "cool and fun" to have been in World War 2. Guess what, few years later when we went to the military it suddenly wasn't as fun as he had thought. Reality is much more harsh than fantasies.
I don't understand why people are saying No... I'm not sure what the OP means by "work for" kill in the name of a god?
We all know Dagon and all the other Daedric princes don't exist, they were made up, so someone would have to be proper nut case to actually kill in the name of a fictional god, but it doesn't stop people from doing it.
The other two though, I don't see how you can say no for those? people kill each other for money, it's not like its a new idea.
The last question...stealing from citizens, uhm people do it all the time? shoplifting, pickpocketing, burglary all exists, and you still get highwaymen in less fortunate countries. Kind of a silly question, it's like asking "can i swing a sword like i can in skyrim"...sure you can, if you want?
I sure could. At least stealing can't be that hard. But I certainly wouldn't want to
Most of us are not willing to kill someone for money. We're not willing to kill fullstop except as a last resort in self-defense. If you can't understand that, you have a serious problem. I won't murder someone just because someone else wants them dead and performs some ritual, which is what the DB is, and what it would be in real life. Taking life is not something to be done lightly - remember what Gandalf said in The Fellowship of the Ring?
Of course, judging from your post, I take it you are wondering why someone would ask if we were capable of doing these things - I believe the OP was asking if we would personally do these things, not if we were capable. It reminds me of when I was at school, and asked if I could take my blazer turns out I have that ability. People often use 'could' when asking if someone would do it. Not gramatically correct in some ways, but English seems to have a certain flexibility about it.
This was my impression as well.
Are there people who murder and steal? Sure. Am I capable of murder and stealing? Physically yes, mentally not always. Would I willingly murder and steal? Hell no. votes were based on whether I would do those things or not. Obviously I have the capability of doing many things, including what the OP is asking, but I most certainly wouldn't, which is how I based my answer.
All I'm saying is that, assassinations and pickpocketing, it was all here on earth before Tes was even around (before computers were even around). So to say 'could you steal someones hard earned items' seems rather silly when people are doing it on a daily basis.
Personally I wouldn't do these things. I'm not even saying that I would. I didn't realise the question was aimed at the individual because, like you said, the said 'could' instead of 'would'...
Yeah, my bad. We both interpreted the question a different way.
Of course, you're still wrong, the world wasn't around before me. Once I'm gone, poof! The world will cease to exist! Those things exist as a consequence of my existence!
You are correct regarding the usage of the words. Funnily enough, when I was in school, when people used the following (see below) incorrectly, it was only our science teacher who corrected them (when you would think that an English teacher would more likely to do as such).
Could instead of would.
Can instead of may.
Maybe to Dark Brotherhood, depends how I would feel and deal with having killed someone. I haven't yet done that so I dunno where I would stand emotionally afterwards. :b
No to Mehrunes and stealing. I'm not a materialistic person, have had many chances to steal money and haven't simply because I feel no need to (and I have a pitiful amount of money, so I'm hardly well off). I'm sure if I was dying of hunger I would steal food or somesuch, but on a general level, no.
I don't think you know the meaning of "you".
No, no and no.
Speak for yourself! I'm probably not that "good" but I'm certainly not "evil"!
If you bothered to read the other posts between Penitus and me, you'd notice he was focusing on the use of the word 'could' - we all have it in us the physical capability of various evil acts. It doesn't mean we would do it, our mental state has a great bearing on the issue. I misinterpreted him as much as you did, but that was cleared up, so your reply was unnecessary.
Yeah that'll teach me for not reading the whole thread before replying sorry!
All that is left now is to perform the Black Sacrament, and pay me...
For the greater good, there has to be some objectivity to what is considered 'evil' - exploiting and causing harm to the weak and defenseless for your own personal gain would fall into that bracket, especially when you end up causing unnecessary suffering. People that worship different deities - or no deity at all - are often no threat to extremists, and would go with the 'live and let live' philosophy. Religious extremists can never be considered good, only evil, because they have no respect for those who do not fall in line with them, regardless of how harmless those people they plan to harm are. I am no threat to a burglar, so if that burglar crept into my room at night and murdered me so he/she could go looting my home freely without interruption, that would be evil no matter what. There would be no reason to deprive me of my life whatsoever (tie me up, knock me out, use chloroform - but don't kill me!). Both Gandalf and Clint Eastwood have wise words on the subject of killing...
While morals are relative to an extent - observation shows we all have our own views, so morals can be nothing except relative (if every Human had the same exact morals, then they'd truly be objective) - there has to be some agreement to what is good and evil so that society as a whole can operate, and so that different nations can co-exist.
molag bal is far better than anyone