I can't mentally
I can't physically
I'd much rather be an extremely skilled hunter who kills in self-defense. I know you say people are naturally evil, but I can't be. If I had been raised differently, then that wouldn't be me or who I am. That would be a different person.
So instead of being DK3443, you'd be MDK3443...Murder Death Kill?
GAH! You... you guessed my acronym correctly! How...
*inter-dimensional rip takes me back to the fifth dimension*
Trust me if i was put in a situation were the only way of getting out alive was to kill then id be feeling sorry for the other person even if it was a russian roulette agains a friend i.e deer hunter.
An i dont care who you are because our own natural instinct is too survive except for when family is concerned then we would all willingly sacrifice ourselves so our families could survive.
An in those times morality left a long time ago its like Homeland what would you do if you were brody an you reached your breaking point.
An yes most situations dont arrive like those but if they did for me then i would have no remorse about taking a life or lifes if its me or them im choosing me.
No, across the board.
But it's fun doing those things in-game with my ambiguous or evil characters.
True. Cowardice can be a factor in those scenarios, though.
I said yes to two, working with the dark brotherhood, also mehrune's dagon. The 3rd one I be robin hood and give the rich to the poor.
I see...you wouldn't set foot near the warp core when Khan attacks the Enterprise then? That escape pod won't get you very far from the Genesis Device when it explodes...
I said no to all three. I have too much of a conscience. ._.
Or rather, you have the conscience expected of a normal, sensible person.
Things are getting dark on the forums today.
Hev, your screens always have that "frosty-new-glass-of-cola" feel, if that makes sense.