Well? Could you?
Well? Could you?
Easily yes to all three. I'm sure most people would, though they would not openly admit it. Humans are inherently more evil than they are good.
Where's my: worship and serve Hermaues Mora option?
I said yes to Dagon. Even if he would kill me If he deemed me weak. If I do prove myself, the risk will be worth it.
killing people an getting paid ain't that just like saying join the legion or stormcloaks.
I'd prefer Hircine but vile will do.
Why not it's a hard place to live with dragons flying around so why not make a living stealing from morons.
I could and would leave my fate to Hermaues Mora. He shall enlighten me of things no mortal should know, and I will become powerful for his amusemant. And no mortal shall stand to oppose me.
Changed my vote.
Hermaeus Mora shall enlighten us of the knowledge we need to retake the surface! For we are The Betrayed.
Man, you will love my character then.
He's going to lead an army of Betrayed and bathe in Nordic blood. Ulfric and Windhelm are his first priority. He does this for you, his children. He is Snow Prince incarnate.
No, no and no.
I'm not a psychopath, nor a kleptomaniac. Anyone who thinks it would be cool to murder people for money should get his head checked.
But I rather we not derail the thread, lest we risk being warned.
No. The Dark Brotherhood are a joke. If I were going to work for any assassination guild in Tamriel, it would be the Morag Tong.
Work for Mehrunes Dagon? Absolutely not, nor any of the Daedric Princes you mentioned. Meridia or Azura, potentially, but even then.
Steal from people? Again, no.
Hermaues Mora is interesting, unlike the other options its not obvious evil at the beginning of the quest.
Result would be that you will be dragged in to far to control the situation.
Physically no.
Morally no, with the possible exception of dictators/scam artists for the stealing one.
Nope to all. I would get caught the first time I tried.
Interesting to see that the majority of people on this forum have a well developed and advlt sense of morality and conscience.
I voted no on all, as the majority did.
I wouldn't, and I'm being honest.
Disappointed by the lack of people who would be willing to support me in world conquest, though. I was going to ask, but...
Seriously? even the people who answer yes wont do it if given the option.
Without question. One should always consider help, when differential planes of fantasy and reality start to fade.
And topics like this also prove the ever failing age verification system.
People still do it though....maybe not for 'the dark brotherhood' but you still get dogs of war and all that.
You could do all three if you so wish (especially the first and last options). I don't advise it, but you could still do them, and people do.