Couple of Issues

Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:41 am

Hey guys,

I've been messing with the CK lately, and I've run into some issues. The most annoying is the fact that not all of the extension I added to the cell loads, only half of it. The rest of it is basically hidden behind a void wall. If I walk through it, it's all there, but the entirety of the rest of the cell is now hidden, save a few different pockets. I did notice the same issue in Castle Volkihar - which I haven't touched at all - so is it a vanilla thing? Is there a fix for it?

The other, is issues with scripts. I've got a conjuration spell that summons two temporary skeleton servants via a script. Here:

Scriptname aExpSkeletonScript extends ActiveMagicEffect   ACTORBASE PROPERTY skeleton1 AUTOACTORBASE PROPERTY skeleton2 AUTO OBJECTREFERENCE skeleton1xOBJECTREFERENCE skeleton2x EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)   skeleton1x= game.getPlayer().placeAtMe(skeleton1)skeleton2x= game.getPlayer().placeAtMe(skeleton2)  endEVENT 
It works fine, except the skeletons are hostile. I've tried messing with factions, but no luck. There's probably something glaringly obvious that I'm missing.
I've also got another script that is supposed to activate when they die. It doesnt. I'm a beginner with Papyrus, for sure. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The script is attached to the NPCs and all that.
Scriptname aExpDeathScript extends Actor   import utilityimport form EffectShader Property AtronachUnsummonDeathFXS Autoactor SelfRef  Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) AtronachUnsummonDeathFXS.Play(SelfRef)wait(1.5)SelfRef.Disable() EndEvent
Any ideas, guys? Thanks.
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