So, I'm fumbling around in the creation kit, and I have a couple of problems.
1) I have a spell that runs a script which disables the target and places four of an object in their place. Basically, a transmogrify spell in the vein of the wabbajack. It works great. ... except on guards. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it doesn't work on guards. It spawns the four objects, but doesn't delete the guard. The other function, checking to see if the NPC is essential, and if yes, not working and displaying a message also works fine. But guards, guards just don't like becoming cabbage. Any ideas why? There are no conditions on the effect itself.
Scriptname aExpCabbageTransScript extends ActiveMagicEffect import formimport utility POTION PROPERTY Cabbage AUTO MESSAGE PROPERTY aexpCantCabbageMSG AUTO EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) IF(akCaster == game.getPlayer()) IF(akTarget.isEssential()) ELSE akTarget.disable() akTarget.placeAtMe(cabbage)akTarget.placeAtMe(cabbage)akTarget.placeAtMe(cabbage)akTarget.placeAtMe(cabbage) ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT
2) How do I make a hit shader permanent? I tried reverse engineering the Ebony Mail, but all that got me was a shader which fades shortly after equipping the enchanted object.
Any ideas, guys? Thanks.