Courier and the Package

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:27 pm

Well I was playing the game and all of a sudden had the thought: How the hell did the Courier receive the package?

Nash does not seem to recognize the player character at all and yet based on what Ulysses says and does he apparently decided to not take the assignment to deliver the chip from Nash. This would make Nash the Courier's boss as no other Mojave Express exists in the Mojave region (there may be a courier business somewhere else (New Reno?). So if Nash is the person who gave the assignments to the 6 couriers then how does Nash not recognize the Courier?

I'm kinda hoping that in Lonesome Road we find out where the Courier comes from. My guess is New Reno but who really knows. One also has to question how a list of different people from different regions would all be on Nash's list of couriers.

Nash does not recognize the character at all though so could this mean the bullet or the Doc changed the Courier from their original appearance?

just a few thoughts.

Does anyone know if anything has been said about whether we find out any info on the Courier in Lonesome Road prior to the events of New Vegas or is that going to be completely up to us to create?
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:38 pm

I think the Courier only mentioned New Reno once. Is there any more evidence he's from there?
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:00 pm

The Courier is not necessarily from New Reno, it is just a dialogue option. I also doubt that we'll be getting info on where the Courier is from, it seems clear from interviews that Chris Avellone still wants a vague backstory. But as I just said in another thread, the Mojave is over twice of what we see in game, stretching well into Southern California. There are bound to be other outposts there that the Courier got the package from. Also, it is very likely that Nash deals with a lot of couriers and wouldn't know or care if he had seen you before.
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