Courier Problem...

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:55 am

I am currently working on (creating) a quest that starts with a courier delivering a note. The mod was created and tested on a computer with a level 1 character with no other mods, and very little progress in the game. On this computer the courier appears, delivers the note and the quest can be completed with no glitches or any types of problems.
On my other computer I have a level 35 character that only has one mod. When I transfer my mod to the second computer to test it the courier never shows up. The rest of my mod appears, so I know it was installed and accepted. I have done all the usual stuff such as a “clean save”. I have also followed the same path (with my character) as I traveled on the previous computer.
Why would the courier appear on one computer and not the other.
Any ideas would be highly appreciated.

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Sarah Knight
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:33 pm

Perhaps he has not ever been loaded in the game. The player must visit an attached cell at least once for an NPC originally placed in that cell to use their AI packages. Perhaps a quick Moveto command on the courier might rectify the issue? Not knowing how or where your courier is originally positioned, I can only speculate.

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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:53 pm

I found the problem. The script didn't transfer over to the other computer with the mod. Now I just need to figure out why, and how to fix it.

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