Of course... glitches and hackers

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:52 pm

Besides the fact that the anti-hack software is a big FAIL, the glitches are ALMOST as big. Ok, so basically if I use cloak it means I only cloak the nanosuit? Why the f do I see guns flying in mid air? Fix that please and fix the killcam because it's so damn imprecise.

In other news...REALLY?! I can't join one f***** game anymore because there's always guys that hack? wth Crytek? What's so hard about anti hack software, look at Blizzard, there's ZERO hackers in SC2. Ban them forever from using that CD key for gods sakes, they earn 45 out of 50 kills per game and 0 deaths. The only effin' reason I bought Crysis 2 is because you 'officially' announced a DX11 patch and now after 2 days of having the game, I can't even play anymore because guess what... 'BOOM, HEADSHOT B#$CH' (through 5 walls). If I leave the game I get a loss and if I stay ... I get a loss and deaths.

In my opinion Crysis and Crysis Warhead were so much better and I'm pretty sure alot of people will agree with me. Please don't even bother replying if you use a console 'cause it means you NEVER effin' played the first. Where's power struggle with the big maps everyone likes? Gone of course 'cause its a fkn console port and console CPUs can't take anything bigger than Skyline.

In conclusion I would like to say that I just lost all respect for Crytek. When I played the first Crysis I liked it because it was a game work went into. Crysis 2 is just a console port made so a typical greedy company gets money lol ... how pathethic. I respect the fact that Starcraft II is worked upon every single day and since the game was officially released there were no hackers. God... Blizzard is just so good. Funny is that I used to prefer Crytek over it but not it's over. I knew I shouldn't have bought the game. So forget the days where it was ''but can it run crysis?''; It's over, it's going to be ''can it run Battlefield 3'' and after ''can it run Unreal Engine?''.

Thank god summer is here so I can go outside and not waste my time with this. If I wanna play a game from now on, I'll just go on SC2 cause this is just a waste of my time.

TIP: Try making the highscores on a Kill/Death ratio basis and reset it every few months so the first addict that buys the game doesn't stay on top (or the kids that fly and shoot three rockets at once). I'm just saying...

TIP: For everyone on a PC that get's a hacker in the server and doesn't wanna get a loss: open the console and type 'disconnect' or just do it oldschool and pull the plug.

MAN, I'm just so pissed I'm writting this as if I was in elementary .It's just that it's fkng lame what you have become crytek.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:07 pm

When my server is back up and running you can play on that. I constantly admin and will kick/ban people when the time arises. The ip is the name is $in City Gaming !RCON ENABLED!. It should be back online hopefully tomorrow.
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Britta Gronkowski
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