Any other way to do this? Thanks.
I wasn't given any other options, think railroad is it unfortunately. Wiki says the same
It is possible, even if you've gunned down and killed the railroad. Eventually you'll be, if you speak to Amari, referred to Tinker Tom's terminal. You end up going to the old RR HQ and using his computer to anolyze it.
Essentially, you need to have located the RR HQ one way or the other, no matter what.
You have to go to the RR HQ, there's no other option. However, you don't "need" the RR:
Does that work if you have already met them?
There are two other people that can anolyze the chip.
My bad, forget I ever said anything.
I don't see why it wouldn't, but don't quote me on this. Just save and try it. I see a lot of complaints on the game but it really gives freedom on many levels. This being an example. You can also just go to the Institute or the Prywden and kill everyone if you want. Yes, Maxson, i'm looking at your coat.
I know, right? Deserves more views...
I kinda wonder what Father says after this when it gets to the part where he asks you to destroy the RR.
Something like "Oh well, I was going to ask you to wipe them out. But seeing as how you already destroyed them...."
To answer my own question..'Yes, I did it exactly as that video shows.." However. I HAVE to choose a faction to help build the apparatus. Brotherhood is my only option at this point.