I was snooping around Covenant trying to figure out where the Compound was when night rolled around. I was in the main office and the Mayor guy came in and said "closing the office". This left me in there by myself, so I grabbed a key to get out, but when I opened the door everyone in the town was hostile towards me. I ended up killing them all, but was curious to know if that is what was supposed to happen. I got a really creepy vibe from the townsfolk and I thought the quest was going to resolve by having me sleep in the town and then they try to kill me at night or something. I'm just curious to know if there was a pathway through that quest that didn't involve mowing everyone down, because although I was trespassing and did steal something, I know I wasn't in anyone's line of sight and I wasn't informed that I was trespassing, so it seems to me like it was either a glitch or a fluke.