I would want something more like the fur-lined cloaks in Game of Thrones.
It's kind of annoying seeing those open-backed, Conan the Barbarian-type outfits in the screenshots. Really?! In Skyrim!? :facepalm: Dovahkin tried to reach the greybeards, but froze to death on the way!
Even Conan wore a cape sometimes - well Arnold did in Destroyer I think. I like the idea of more cloak style wear or furs . Capes could be cool, but I think it would be a fine line between cool and cheesy looking. Plus, one part of my mind thinks Spawn tearin it up in bad*** style with cape a flowin, the other part sees the guy behind you stepping on your cape as you try to lunge forward and end up on your prone-yet-warm [censored]. :facepalm: