Maybe they have that perception perk that lets you shoot through cover? That would be very evil if so. Makes me glad i went with stealth for my first build.
Maybe they have that perception perk that lets you shoot through cover? That would be very evil if so. Makes me glad i went with stealth for my first build.
Bethesda introduced NPC perk usage in Skyrim and i'm almost certain legendary humanoids have some of the same perks we do and probably a few unique ones like the mutation.
True but in Skyrim NPC's did not have even enough perks to matter, for example no NPC i know of has any armour perks, thus all NPC's armour rating is absolutely terrible, and it's the same for offensive perks. They usually only had what was required of them to fill their unique role (conjuring perks if they conjure etc). I doubt many if any NPC's in F4 have what is a perception 9 perk if i'm right. It's more likely that the stealth system in F4 isnt that deep. If your peeking your still revealing some of your body so you probably may as well reveal all of it for no difference. That's what i think anyway. I find the cover system more useful for snap shooting, but to be honest i almost never stop in one place anyway.
As for legendary enemies though i would agree with you. Though i would just as well expect their bonuses to be unique and from a very small pool.
Some of the mods you can select "None", like you can remove a bayonet without putting anything in its place, but you have to build a replacement grip, for instance. It will allow you to have a gun with no muzzle attachment, but it won't allow you to have a gun without a grip, or chamber or barrel (i.e. the parts that are essential to the gun actually being functional).
I'm not sure how well known this is also, but you can get access to all of the weapon mods without any points in gun nut or science. These perks are only for making your own mods. If you remove mods from every randomly generated weapon you find you can build up a store of all the mods that are available. This is less true for melee weapons which are often unmodded. I've also never seen a minigun with mods attached, though have seen many modded missile launchers. Then there are vendors that sell mods. So really if you want an optimized character build you should probably avoid these perks and just enjoy finding random mods as drops.
Its something at least lol. Handy for my sniper build anyway who loves using scopes instead of vats.Still really want that high tech scope that tracks enemies but not got around to leveling up enough to get it.. thank you very much real life. Least its the weekend now. Hurrah!
True, but it's much cheaper and easier perkwise to construct the standard mod and replace the one you want with the standard so you can use the one you want on your gun.