Cowardly npc's after I start my character "alternate sta

Post » Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:39 am

Hello, any idea what or any specific mod that would cause this? thought it may be a combat, encounter or ai mod but I've tested by removing those mods... I am using the alternate start and starting "camping in the woods" and one thing I'm noticing is many npc's seem to be terrified, hostile enemies flee on sight. I ran toward the adjacent bandit camp and most of them just run and cower, the bandit guarding emershard mine entrance flees 100% of the time when I get close... I also found a cowaring storm cloak leader, attacked him and the entire group of storm cloaks ran from me... None of these npc's defend themselves they just run and try to hide... as soon as I enter a dungeon the npc's function normally again. It's not every NPC I encounter but certainly the majority of them.

I am level 1 when this is happening and right after I start and enter the world... Any clue what's going on???

Alduin doesn't fly around with an aura of fear does he? Though they aren't running until they see me

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