My current setup is scoped Trail carbine for sniping + Brush gun for close-range work. The Professional is supposed to add 20% more Sneak Critical damage when using revolvers, pistols and SMGs. The Wiki description says that rifles in the same caliber will still deal more sneak crit damage after the perk is applied. In other words, a Ranger Sequoia with The Professional will not outperform a Brush Gun. BUT if I use a Hunting Revolver as my sniping tool, it WILL have greater damage AND will benefit from the extra crit damage from the perk. Another upside would be combat readiness; having a rifle at the ready slows down your running speed; having a revolver at the ready does not.
Question is, is it a worthwhile tradeoff? Hunting revolvers have an order of magnitude higher spread than any scoped rifle except LLC; I've experimented, and I CAN snipe with them, but follow-up shots are needed much more often. The thing about Cowboy guns is that they are LOUD, so follow-up shots are usually not sneak-crits, and that reduces the usefulness of the perk a great deal.
Does anyone have any experience with Hunting Revolver sniping and The Professional perk?
P.S. The Professional isn't broken, is it?