Cowering Theatrics!

Post » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:12 am

Well, not "Cowering Theatrics", more like "Cower" and "Theatrics", the title just seemed a bit lighthearted after the 8 hours of testing.

I'm working on a mod (say DUH here) that allows you (after a rather painful quest) to gain a scroll with transformation spells on it (not all at once, uberness is sad). The following is done so far (doesn't require SKSE, but I am hoping they can solve the faction retrieval so I can utilize it there):

  • Quest starts outside of Forsaken Cave (chosen for the 2 sections and creatures within).
  • "Check out wizard outside of Forsaken Cave" quest marker.
  • Visiting him, he *knocks you out with magic* (is supposed to laugh at you, doesn't do this yet I think).
  • Screen fades to black (that works).
  • You *silently move to a new location* and you're suppoed to wake up (no theatrics, can't get fade from black to work).
  • Wizard says his speech (yes, that dialogue finally works, only he can't MOVE, but you can ugh).
  • You and him battle on to get to the scroll at the end of the cave.
  • Multiple ways can happen (you backstab him and go on without him, wait later, then do it with enemy help, etc).
  • Once in the last cave, you either deal with everything there, or die trying (reload).
  • If you get everything gone, either the wizard doublecrosses you and you have to defeat him or you're alone and have to do the work yourself (failure here happens to cause more grief/fun, however you want to put it).
  • The boss in the cave is normal, but after him are 3 bosses that would eat him for breakfast (fun fun fun).
  • Once you read the scroll, the doors all unlock, the quest ends and you're happy!

Currently not working/griefness:

  • Theatric at the start, the wizard is supposed to say a line, laugh, knock you out, doesn't, just knocks you out...
  • Fade from black on the inside of the cave doesn't work at all (I haven't found one, no clue how to do so).
  • After the quest is over, people COWER when you get near them (ugh, why, I double/triple checked all the stuff being done/undone, it's correct). I haven't found a way to examine the save game in a way to see what the actor has connected to it (factions, spells, keywords, etc), wish I could find something to do this, it'll help shed some light into this issue.
  • Transformation bubble is too small, doesn't last long enough (need 5 second animation that blinds the actor during).

I'm so close to getting this finished (less the SKSE stuff, since I'm patiently awaiting whether or not the faction list can be obtained, I'd even settle for the first linked one to the actor, perhaps remove it then repeat until I have it all, plus do the spell removal). SKSE was hopefully to help removing the actor's spells and factions (stored later), plus it'd also remove all contents/weapons (minus quest items) into a storage that would be used for that slot (player exempt to avoid hotkey mangling).

The fun part with this mod is, the transformations are not limited to the player only (yeah, you can find some person out on the road, a bandit, poof, they're a horse, hop on it's back and ride it away, turn it into a fox and watch it flee, then watch it's friends kill it for food). Turn a necromancer into a Draugr and watch it rip it's friends apart, good times, good times.

Only if I can resolve the issues I have above (which really aren't that big, except for maybe the isfleeing issue with the Draugr race, no clue how to solve it, since I've reworked the race completely so it hasn't anything bad on it).

Anyone got any suggestions?


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