Damn. I had hoped it was just the beta that used 100% of my Phenom II x4 940 (OCed to 3.55 Ghz). An attempt to OC higher seems pointless now.
Ughhh.. Guess I'll use "sys_maxfps = 30" and try to enjoy it. =/
If you overclock further it's still an extra 13% performance boost if the game scales linear with clock speed.
That's the difference between 30 and 34 fps with a linear scale.
My overclock looks like it's going to sit at 3.9 GHz when I'm done, that's an improvement of 18% (from 3.3 GHz) or from 30 to 35 fps on a linear performance scale from clock to engine.
It's definitely worth it to clock these Phenom II's to their limit.
The game's already out, I doubt Crytek will have any patch for this as it would require significant work. Phenom II's will be 3 or 4 year's old by the end of the year, you just have to take it in stride and either overclock and upgrade later, or upgrade now.
Oh, I'd love to upgrade now, but that'll require a mobo upgrade as well and I have no idea which mobo will be good by the end of the year, since that will probably be when I have enough cash scrapped up for upgrades. Doubtfully this thing can OC much further. 3.55 GHz is kinda up there for a 940. Some can go up to 3.8, but mine won't go over 3.6 without a BSoD (voltage at its highest stable peak, 1.5v). Temp is not an issue. Maybe something is off with my NB freq and/or voltage?
Anyway, can't wait to play this game when I get home, 30 fps or not! It looks epic