hello i was going to get the i5 3570k as an upgrade from my i3 3220 as i thought it wa going to be a great upgrade and that it would improve my gaming performance by quite a bit i then talked to my friend who was quite computer savvy and he said that i wasnnt going to see much of a gaming perfmorcance increase as i should improve my GPU until it bottlenecks my cpu... is he right ? and will it improve my gaming performance in games like AC3 Crysis 2?
also i am getting some lag on AS3 in Boston on top of buildings but none in new york so i got revelations and i had the same problem on top of high buildings in cities... i have a gtx 660 which i thought would be more than capable... was i wrong or is it the cpus fault? please give me some advice...
Read the conclusions at the bottom of Assassins Creed 3 Benchmark at: http://benchmark3d.com/assassins-creed-3-benchmark
The Good:
Works the same on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Above average graphics, especially on characters.
Good controls.
Visual difference between low and high settings are minimal while still having a big performance improvement.
The Bad:
Poor CPU/threading optimization which leads to pseudo CPU bottlenecks. In-game Anti-Aliasing cripples performance.
Low amount of IQ settings.
Graphical artifacts.
Character popping.
Other missions related bugs.