» Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:17 am
Willertz, are you absolutely sure it's not a power supply issue, or overheating issue?
Whatever people say about the graphics, the engine is very good at using every possible bit of your graphics card's processing power. This will result in higher temperatures and higher power draw.
For example, when idle my GTX460 is 28C idle at the moment, with room temperature around 23C. When busy with most games (Left 4 Dead 2, Bad Company 2, Shift 2, to name a few), the temperature will hit 60C, but with Crysis 2, the card reached 68C this evening. So for me at least, the card is much warmer with Crysis 2, and the same quite possibly could be said for you.
Also, what power supply do you have? It's possible that also could be a cause of the problem, if it's not quite able to keep up with the demand put on it while playing Crysis 2.