[RELz] Craft Infinite Charge Weapons

Post » Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:09 pm

Version 1.0
Download at Nexus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37267//?

(Also available on the Workshop)

The player can use either Azura's Star or the Black Star to upgrade the atronach forge in the College of Winterhold's Midden. The upgraded forge can grant infinite charges to a variety of unique weapons. Place either star in the pedestal. In the offering box, place a daedra heart and either a filled black soul gem or a filled grand soul gem with your weapon of choice. Pull the lever.
Supports Skyrim-only, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Dawnguard+Dragonborn
I designed this mod to conflict as little as possible. That said, there are some unavoidable problems with this kind of endeavor.
1) I rewrote the atronach forge scripts, so any mod that also makes changes to those scripts will conflict. As far as I know, no mod does this, so I wouldn't worry. Any mod that adds recipes to the forge will be compatible, however.
2) Any weapon you choose to craft will lose any tempering (ie, your "Legendary Volendrung" will become a base "Volendrung" again). This is unavoidable. Fortunately, I made new tempering recipes, so you can go re-temper any weapon.
3) If you use a mod that replaces the weapon's model with a new model from a non-default directory (for example, InsanitySorrow's Unique Uniques), the NEW weapon will not reflect that mod's changes. The vanilla weapons, however, will be left modified. Your options: a. simply play with that vanilla weapon and limited enchantments, b. make a patch (very easy to do), c. ask me politely to make a patch. Same goes for any mod that changes the base values of a weapon - weapon speed, damage, etc - texture and enchantment changes should be fine, though.
If you'd like to see support for another weapon added from Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, or a popular mod, please ask, but I won't guarantee I'll do it. Same goes for any patches with regard to Section IV part 3.
I implemented this mod as finely-detailed as possible. That means, for instance, The Black Star and Azura's Star operate with different recipe and result lists. Currently, the ins+outs are identical, but in the future that doesn't have to be so. This could allow for consequences for choosing either The Black Star or Azura's Star (because right now who doesn't choose The Black Star?) For example, breaking Azura's connection to the star could lock the player out of upgrading any other daedric artifact. Using the Black Star could add a soultrap enchantment to any created item. Ideas. If you like the above ideas, have ideas of your own, whatever, let me know.
Obviously, this mod is a psuedo-cheat mod thinly veiled as a gameplay enhancement mod. Considering that this mod doesn't simply change all the current weapons and requires a certain cost, even if it's not that dire, I felt that gameplay categorization was warranted. If you have an idea to balance this more properly, by consuming a Star in the process of upgrading a weapon (for instance), and there's enough demand for it, I'll probably do it.
Blade of Woe
Bolar's Oath Blade
Eye of Melka
Mace of Molag Bal
Mehrune's Razor
Nightingale Blade
Nightingale Bow
Pale Blade
Red Eagle's Bane
Rueful Axe
Sanguine Rose
Skull of Corruption
Staff of Magnus
Aetherial Staff
Auriel's Bow
Harkon's Sword
Champion's Cudgel
Dwarven Black Bow of Fate
Miraak's Sword
Miraak's Staff
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:27 am

couldn't you make a script that recharges certain weapons periodically?
I'd also recommend making a perk that reduces spell cost to 0, but weapon enchantments don't have special enchanted weapon keywords unfortunately.

this actually wouldn't be an issue if mods like unique uniques allowed toggling of weapon/armor models with scripts.
But they don't. Oh well.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:21 am


I have no idea if a script could incrementally restore enchantments. I'd guess no (maybe SKSE?). Either way, the execution of the mod is in line with what I envisioned - the ability to remove enchantment cost entirely.

Reducing the spell cost to 0 would retain the enchantment cost bar on the weapons. Making new weapons without enchantment costs allows for a more visually appealing solution and allows people to use any enchantment mod they wish. Seems the least of all evils to me.

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Post » Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:07 pm

You wouldn't need SKSE to restore enchantment charge.
Actually you might not need scripts at all, you might be able to do it with a constant effect recharge enchanted weapon charge spell effect or something.

actually nevermind, you wouldn't be able to check if an item is in your left or right hand with just condition functions, so a script would be necessary at some point.

hey actually, would:
work with enchantments? if you checked for them in the spell section of a modify spell cost perk entry point?
that'd probably be worth checking.
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Luis Reyma
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