I originally posted this over on the Nexus forums http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3496645-brainstorm-craft-master/, not realising at the time that the Fallout 4 Mods section here was already up and running. (As it hadn't been, the last time I'd checked.) I've been meaning to post this here too, but wanted to skim through the existing threads first in case something like it had already been brought up... and I just hadn't had time until now.
Anyway. Here's the original post:
Craft Master
The short version: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39981/ but for http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_crafting.
The detailed version:
I suspect there will be a lot of mods that expand on the crafting system in FO4. Some of these mods will likely add new crafting components, to be used in new or existing recipes. If two or more mods add the same component (e.g. brass, paper, stone, etc), things would be a bit messy for people using those mods together. They would be finding multiple different kinds of (ostensibly) the same component - each of which could be used in some recipes that call for that component, but not others.
A solution would be to create a mod like Caliber, mentioned above; a master plugin that contains a bunch of common crafting components that other mods could draw upon. Hence the name "Craft Master" (CM).
The general idea is that CM wouldn't add any of these components to the game world itself. A mod that needs a component from CM would be the one to add that component to the world - e.g. by having it as a result from breaking down items, adding it to levelled lists, etc. That said, there is the possibility of CM incorporating some kind of framework for adding components to the game world somehow when a child mod sets a global in CM or something. (E.g. "shipments" available from merchants.) That's sort of why I put this up as a brainstorming topic; discuss!
I've been thinking about this for a while, but I wasn't sure when to put up a thread. First there were no FO4 modding forum sections (because the game wasn't out), and then there were, but they were/are moving so quickly it seemed like it would be lost in the crowd... and I was too busy just playing the game, anyway.
In any case, I can see myself making CM, but I don't have any solid plans right now for when that might be. I still want to finish http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1461724-wip-clockwork-thread-02/ before I get distracted by making mods for FO4. We'll see how long my willpower holds out.
I'm not... "laying claim" to the idea of CM or anything; that'd be sort of silly. I thought I should put the idea out there in case it hasn't been already though - and sooner rather than later, given the sort of mod it would be.
If someone does feel like picking this up and running with it, my advice would be:
- Look at how Caliber works if you're not familiar with it. (I'm not saying copy it, but it's a good reference point.)
- Be prepared to be in there for the long haul. CM doesn't necessarily have to be a high-maintenance mod, but occasionally updating it with new components (that have been requested, say) is to be expected.
- Following on from the above; be prepared to hand maintenance off to someone else if you no longer have time for modding FO4 at some point in the future.
- Don't feel obliged to add every component that pops into your head, or the heads of random people commenting on the mod. There's not much point if they're not actually going to be used.
- An ideal situation for adding a new component is that a modder wants it for a mod they're making, and perhaps has even made assets for it that they would like to contribute.
Finally, here are some potential common crafting components off the top of my head:
Dye (black, white/bleach, primary colours)
Explosive material
Gunpowder (maybe pistol and rifle powder as in FNV)
Paint (black, white, primary colours)
This is definitely a community-oriented sort of thing, so yes... discuss!