» Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:01 am
I know nothing of thr pvp gear situation but doesnt affect me as I have no plans of participating in this economy until they get away from thr guild store only model.
@pengun, yes, thats how itll work. As I mentioned, Im having 0 issues leveling like that without trading others in ESO, I expect theyll nerf IP gains from player crafted things soon enough, and every TES game back to the beginning has worked on a "gather mats yourself and grind out stuff at the crafting ui" basis. This one does too, its just slower. And obnoxious.
And sorry, making gold to buy things with just to craft more isnt any more RP than making my own things with my own materials and then deciding I effed up and need to redo it.
Im done with you.